Scheduled actions

Scheduled actions

Scheduled actions allow you to run one or more JMWE post-functions (in a sequence) at a specified time interval on the issues returned by a JQL search. You can use scheduled actions to:

  • Send emails automatically every day.

  • Transition an issue automatically based on the amount of time spent in a status.

  • Create a new issue and set specific field values every week.

  • Escalate issues automatically.

  • Update issue with information from another Jira instance every hour.

  • and more.

Navigate to the Scheduled actions page using Jira Settings → Manage apps → Scheduled actions. This page (Figure 1, right) displays:

  • Enabled - Status of a scheduled action.

  • Scheduled action - The name of the Scheduled action.

  • Schedule (in UTC time) - Interval at which a scheduled action is run. When you hover over the schedule, the time at which the next run is scheduled is displayed.
    For disabled scheduled actions, the next run is displayed as disabled when hovered on the schedule.

  • Last run: The most recent run of the scheduled action along with the number of issues updated.

  • Action buttons - Buttons for Run now as well as Edit/Copy/Delete. Click Run now to run the respective scheduled action right away. Click the menu button to select an action.

The Schedule and the Last run time are displayed in the time zone for the user who is logged in; you can find this setting under Profile → Preferences → Time Zone.


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On this page

Figure 1 - Scheduled Actions Page


Add a scheduled action

Note: No matter which time zone you use to schedule an action, all scheduled actions actually run on UTC time. The times displayed on the Scheduled actions page (above) and in the Schedule action editor are calculated and displayed in the selected time zone for ease of use. For example, if you schedule an action to run Every day at 3:00 UTC-5 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time), in the Jira system the action is scheduled to run at 8 AM UTC. It is only the display of the times that are converted.

To add a Scheduled action:

  1. Navigate to Jira Settings → Manage apps → Scheduled actions.

  2. Click Add scheduled action on the top right corner to navigate to Scheduled action editor (Figure 2, right) where you can add the configuration details.

  3. Add the following:

    • Action name (mandatory): Enter a meaningful name for the action.

    • Description: Enter a more detailed explanation of what the action would accomplish.

    • User (mandatory): Start typing into the field to select a user from the auto-suggestions. The scheduled action is run as the selected user.

    • Schedule (mandatory): Set the schedule for this action. This schedule can be defined in UTC time or it can be set in any time zone using the time zone field at the far left. You can run the schedule every hour, every day, every week, every month, or every year at specific times. A schedule can be set as frequently as once every 10 minutes. For examples of different schedules, click here.

    • Target Issues (mandatory): Select issues on which the specified post-functions are run.

      • JQL Expression (mandatory): Enter a JQL expression that returns a set of issues. For example, to fetch issues from ProjA in Open status, use:
        project = ProjA and status = open
        You can also include Groovy Template markup that returns a JQL query. For example, to fetch issues assigned to the current user, use:
        <% if (issue.get("assignee")) { %> assignee = ${currentUser.name} <% } else { %> issuekey=INVALID-1 <% } %>

      • Max. issues (mandatory): Enter the maximum number of issues that the JQL search can return. The maximum limit here is 1000.

    • Post-functions: Add one or more post-functions that are run on each issue returned by the JQL search mentioned in the previous section.
      Click Add post-function to navigate to the window that lists all the available post-functions. Select a post-function, configure as needed and add it to the list here. The post-functions added here are run in the sequence displayed. You can use the ☰ handle to drag a post-function and drop it wherever required in the list to reorder the sequence.
      Use Edit or Remove to make changes to the respective post-function or delete it from the list here.

    • Error handling
      Skip subsequent post-functions if a post-function encounters an error: Select this option to skip running the remaining post functions in the sequence when an error occurs in one of the post functions.

  4. Click Save to save the configuration and add the scheduled action to the list on the Scheduled actions page.

Edit a scheduled action

  1. On the Scheduled actions page, click the menu icon next the scheduled action you wish to modify and select Edit .

  2. Modify the action details in the Scheduled action editor screen.

  3. Click Save to save the changes.

Copy a scheduled action

Sometimes it is easier to create a new action based on one that already exists. The Copy option lets you do just that.

  1. On the Scheduled actions page, click the menu icon next the action you wish to duplicate and select Copy.

  2. A new scheduled action is created with “Copy of” in front of the action name and the Status is disabled by default.

  3. Follow the steps in Edit a scheduled action above, to make modifications.

Delete a scheduled action

  1. On the Scheduled actions page, click the menu icon next the action you wish to delete and select Delete to remove the respective action permanently.

  2. Click OK in the confirmation dialog to confirm. The scheduled action is deleted.

Enable/disable a scheduled action

In the Scheduled actions screen, turn the toggle Off or On to disable or enable the respective scheduled action. By default, a newly created scheduled action is enabled.

Figure 2 - Scheduled Action Editor


Examples of schedules


Minutes past the hour

Hour of the day

Day of the Week/Month

Month of the year



Minutes past the hour

Hour of the day

Day of the Week/Month

Month of the year



It can be one or more of 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50




To run the schedule at 10 and 20 minutes past every hour



It can be one or more of 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50

The hours can be one or more of 0 to 23 hours.



  • To run the schedule every day at 10:30 am

  • To run the schedule every day at 12 am and 12 pm


It can be one or more of 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50

The hours can be one or more of 0 to 23 hours.

One or more days of the week or "every day of the week" to run the action every day


  • To run the schedule every day of the week at 10:20 pm

  • To run the schedule every Tuesday and Thursday of the week at 9 am and 9 pm


It can be one or more of 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50

The hours can be one or more of 0 to 23 hours.

One or more days of the month


  • To run the schedule every day of the month, every month at 12:00 AM

  • To run the schedule 10th and 20th of every month at 6 am and 2 pm


It can be one or more of 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50

The hours can be one or more of 0 to 23 hours.

One or more days of the month

One or more months of the year

  • To run the schedule every year on every day of the month of April at 10 am

  • To run the schedule every year on 11th of April at 12 am