JMWE for JIRA Data Center/Server 8.3.0 Release Notes

JMWE for JIRA Data Center/Server 8.3.0 Release Notes

This version, released on May 25, 2023, includes the following changes:

JMWE Workflow Extensions Administration Page

A new page has been added to the JMWE Administration section - JMWE Workflow Extensions. This page lists all of your JMWE extensions on a single page, greatly increasing the efficiency of managing your workflow customizations. From this administration page, you can check any errors or warnings associated with the extensions.

Improved Error Logging

Error logging in JMWE for Jira Server has been significantly improved in this release! Increased functionalities have been added or expanded, including email notifications, webhooks, and improvements to the JMWE Execution Log administration page. New notification capabilities include sending daily or weekly digests of error and warnings, as well as the addition of webhooks to which error and warning messages can be sent for external processing.

Improvements to the Execution Logs administration page include new filters to search execution logs by Issue, by user, or by Extension name. Execution logs will now also be listed using local time or UTC. Additionally, logging capabilities have been expanded when multiple issues and/or projects are impacted by the execution of a post-function.

“Target Issue” Added to Post-functions

Several post-functions have been updated with additional target configurations; it is now possible for a post-function to operate on an issue other than the current issue (the issue that triggered the post-function to run). The post-functions that have been updated are:

Other Improvements

This release includes other updates and improvements:

Bug fixes


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