Issue Matrix in Service Desk Queues
On this page:
Issue Matrix tables can be visible in Service Desk Queues. You can add an Issue Matrix custom field as a column to a Service Desk queue (similar to the Issue Matrix configuration in the Issue Navigator). As a result, either the whole Issue Matrix table or the Issue Keys will be displayed depending on the "Issue Navigator Visualization" option you choose (check the section "Configuration" in the Issue Matrix and the Issue Navigator document).
To add an Issue Matrix field to a Service Desk queue:
Navigate to the section "Issue Navigator Visualization" in the configuration for your Matrix Custom Field.
Choose between the radio buttons "Issue Keys" and "Issue Matrix Table".
In your Jira, navigate to the Projects menu and open your Service Desk project.
Open the "All open" queue for example and click on the top right "Edit Queue" button. (for more information, check the Using service desk queues Atlassian document)
On the "Edit queue" form, click on the "More" tab and add your Issue Matrix field as a column.
Click on the "Save" button.
Use Cases
The screenshots below demonstrate the different options of Issue Matrix visualization in Service Desk Queues.
Issue Keys
Issue Matrix Table