Support for Atlassian Server Products (and apps like BigPicture) has ended in February 2024.

Are you planning a migration to Cloud? Make sure you don't lose your BigPicture data/configurations in the process. Check out this page for information on how to migrate BigPicture's data to Cloud. If you have any questions please email

Swimlane Picker


The Swimlane picker will help you manage your tasks based on the swimlane type you are interested in. 

Swimlanes are displayed in alphabetical order and cannot be rearranged.

Swimlane type

You can switch between four swimlane types:

  • Team

  • Assignee

  • Priority

  • Color

  • Status

Presently, only the "Team" swimlane value allows for full functionality. 

When Priority, Assignee, Color, and Status swimlanes are selected, the following features are inactive:

  • live sync 

  • totals 

  • drag-and-drop task 

  • adding tasks 

Swimlane value

You can completely hide swimlanes of a given type depending on their value - this gives you full control over what information is displayed. 

Swimlane values will be displayed only if there is a checkmark next to them:

Teams - "Unknown" swimlane

Most tasks are either unassigned (no team assigned) or are assigned to a particular team. 

When the assignment is unclear, a task is placed in the Unknown row (below the "unassigned" row):

  • "Other Box team" → a task has been assigned to a team, but that team doesn't exist in the context Box (the team hasn't been added to the Box you're in). The task is in the scope of another Box - in that Box, the task is already assigned to a team. 

  • "Unknown" → team information can't be matched to any existing Boxes that contain a task (the task has been assigned team information, such as a team code; however, no matching team has been found in any Boxes the task is in). 

  • "Undetermined" - in the app, multiple teams have the same information (team code). The app can't determine which team the task should belong to. 

Select All / Deselect All

You can select or deselect all swimlane values with one click:

Displaying Dependencies

When a swimlane value is hidden, dependencies between cards of the hidden swimlanes will not be displayed.

To find a swimlane value quickly, use the search box and start typing in the name.