

In this tab, you can configure the following options:

  • Absences are self-managed by the App’s user.

  • Tasks assigned to an individual are auto-assigned to their team.

Security and access

Only Jira administrators can access this page.

  1. Click the "wrench" icon at the top right and select "Modules" from the drop-down list.

  2. Go to the "Resources" tab.

App Configuration, Modules, Resources

Absences are self-managed by App's user

When this option is enabled, each user can manage their own absences on the "My settings" page. 

App Configuration, Modules, Resources, Absences toggle

Tasks assigned to an individual are auto-assigned to their team

When this option is enabled, the team is automatically assigned a task based on the task assignee. For more information, refer to this page.

From the 8.19 version of BigPicture, the option is switched ON by default for all new instances. For instances created before the 8.19 version of BigPicture, the option is switched OFF by default.

Team member assigned belongs to more than one team, team field was not updated

If the task assignee is a member of more than one team in the box, the team is not updated, and the following message is displayed: Team member assigned belongs to more than one team, team field was not updated.