

To unlock the export features, install the BigTemplate App from the Atlassian Marketplace.

You can export your Risks to:

  • image (PDF)

  • MS Excel Basic Template (XLSX)

When you click the "Export" button, the following pop-up will appear:

Once you click on the "Export" button, the export process will be performed in the background. You can close the window and switch to another tab. Once the export is complete, a file will be downloaded to your computer. 

PDF image export requires NodeJS installation. If you do not see the "PDF image" export option, click here for more information.

PDF export

The exported PDF file will look similar to the one presented below.

XLSX export

The exported XLSX file will reflect the "Table" view of Risks.

After exporting, the file will look like the one presented below. 

Column view - adjusting export data

You can change the export data by adjusting the Column View for the "Table" of Risks. The export will include all table columns. 

To add a column, click on the gear icon at the top right corner of the table. Once you click "Add new column", you will see a list of values that can be added to your current Column View. 

Column customization

Each column can be further customized by clicking on the wrench icon, but Column View customization has no impact on export data.


Export is disabled

Export is disabled in case there are no risks to be exported.