Support for Atlassian Server Products (and apps like BigPicture) has ended in February 2024.

Are you planning a migration to Cloud? Make sure you don't lose your BigPicture data/configurations in the process. Check out this page for information on how to migrate BigPicture's data to Cloud. If you have any questions please email

Risk table


You can hide the heatmap and display the Risk Register only. To do so, put a checkmark next to the Show table option. Both the Risk Register and the table allow you to manage risks and customize the view.

Add fields as columns

You can customize the table by adding fields as columns. Some fields offer additional display options. For example, you can add a "Priority" field.

The default column view is set by a Box Admin. Box Editors and Box Viewers can modify columns visible for them as well as restore the column view to the one set by a Box Admin.

Use drag and drop to change the column order. Click the wrench icon to adjust the display options.

Sort risks

Click the column header to sort the items in ascending or descending order. 

The example below shows a table sorted by the Issue Key in ascending order.

Edit risks

Click the "Edit" button to change the "summary" field. Then, click the "Save" button to apply the changes.

Alternatively, double-click the summary field with the left mouse button to activate inline editing. In this mode, changes are automatically saved when you click anywhere outside of the field. 

To edit other fields use the "Edit" button located on the right side of a card visualized in the Risk Matrix. 

Delete risks

You can remove the risk (any issue) from the matrix and the register by clicking the "Delete" button. The issue will not be deleted from your Host platform, but the values of the mapped fields, such as "Risk probability" or "Risk consequence" will be cleared.