Adding tasks (Board module)


The Board's backlog displays tasks that someone has added to the scope of the Box. You can add tasks using the Board module in different ways. 

You can't add tasks to Boxes in the "Closed" status.

Create new tasks in the host platform

You can add new tasks in the host platform (the host platform is the Jira instance you are currently using) in a few ways.

"+Add" button

Click the "+Add" button and choose "Create task".

Cards section

Click the "+" icon to add a task.

Once the task is added, it is assigned to a Box and will appear in the Backlog when the "Show already planned task" feature is enabled:

Infobar > Backlog

You can add tasks and subtasks directly from the Backlog section. 

Expand the Infobar section and navigate to "Backlog". Decide where to add a task (or a subtask) and click the "+" icon.

Next, decide what type of task/subtask you want to add. Complete the details and click "Create".

Create basic tasks

You can create a basic task by:

  • Clicking on the "+Add" button, or

  • Clicking on the "+" icon in the Infobar > Backlog section