Risks module

Risks module

You can change the terminology and rename modules. To avoid confusion, check the module icon, which is unalterable.

Use the Risks module to assess the risk probability and consequence and show your risks on the heat map. The Risks module consists of two main elements:

  • Customizable risk heat map

  • Customizable risk list (register)

The dimensions of the heat map depend on the number of selected options. The default dimension is 5x5, and it is the recommended size because risk levels are colored with the heat map mode enabled.

Screenshot of the Risks module.

Risk probability and Risk consequence fields

Any issue type can be displayed on the heat map, but to do so, you need to add the Risk probability and Risk consequence fields to your issue screens first. You can synchronize your risks with other fields.

To change the field mapping (admin permissions required):

  1. Go to App configuration Modules Risks.

Screenshot of the Risks page in the App configuration.

For more information, see the Risks page.

Additional information:

  • To use the heat map, i.e., show Jira issues on the heat map and in the register, you need to add both fields to your Jira issue screens and select one of the values.

  • The Risk level is determined by using two fields: Risk probability and Risk consequence. By default, the App uses custom fields created during the installation, but you can use your own fields as long as a "Select list (single choice)" type of field is used.

  • If you want to adjust the heat map to resemble ROAM, use ROAM as one of the axes and leave just one option for the other one. Alternatively, you can add a risk score or severity.

Main features

The table presents the main features of the Risks module.





Add risks

Add new issues to be displayed on the heat map. Any Jira issue can be presented on the heat map, but we recommend creating a separate issue type to represent the identified risks.

There are three options available:

  • Create new

  • Add existing issue

  • Manage scope definition

The Risks module is also available in boxes with no scope. However, you can’t create new risks in such boxes (the Add button is greyed out).


Change the view options to include more information on the risk heat map or show additional features:

  • Compact mode-risks

  • Heatmap mode – risk levels are color-coded. When the heat map mode is enabled, the cards will also change their colors to reflect the risk level.

  • Show heat map – show/hide the heat map.

  • Show table – show/hide the register.

  • Invert and transpose the axis

Column view

A box admin can change the column view without affecting the box editor/viewer view.

A box admin must click the Save changes for all users button to make changes in the column view visible to box editors and viewers.

Box editors and box viewers can restore previously changed column views to the ones set by a box admin.

After adding or removing columns, a box admin can click the Restore columns button to return to the initial set. Once changes are saved, the Restore columns button becomes inactive.

Screenshot of the column view in the Risks module.


To unlock the export features, install BigTemplate from the Atlassian Marketplace.

  • XLSX

  • PDF image

Screenshot of the Export feature in the Risks module.

Export is disabled in case there are no risks to be exported.

Screenshot of the Export feature unavailable in the Risks module.

Quick filters

Add your favorite filters to the header and filter the risks from the list and the heat map.

Date range filter

Narrow the list of displayed risks to a particular time period using the mapped Start and End date fields.

Axis description

You can change the axis description in the App configuration. Jira admin access is required.

Risk field's values

The module uses the Select-list (single choice) field type, which means you need to preconfigure the select options (Jira admin access required).

Customizable risk card

The layout of the card can be modified in the Box configuration section.

Search box

Use the text search or a JQL filter to find the risks.

Risk card picker

Change the layout of your risk cards and mark your favorite ones using a star.

Risk table

Customizable risk table that can display any issue type with the Risk probability and Risk consequence values set. 

Modify the columns of the risk table by adding available Jira fields.

Available actions:

  • Edit risks (use inline editing to update field values).

  • Delete risks – when risk is deleted, it's only removed from the Risks module, i.e., the values of Risk probability and Risk consequence values are cleared, and the risk will not appear on the list.

  • Sort your risks in ascending or descending order based on the fields added to the risk card.

Inline editing

Inline edit fields Text fields and number fields are displayed on the Risk cards and in the Risk table.

Risks in none-scope boxes

Risks module in the boxes with no scope have access to risks collected from its child boxes from:

  • All own-scope boxes one level down (direct children).

  • All sub-scope boxes (all levels down) of the own scope boxes mentioned above.

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