Workflow final state


A single state in a workflow can be set as the final state for your content. 

The content version on transition to the final state will be set as a workflow approved version.

  • any further updates to the content will be set as a workflow draft version

  • the workflow approved version is updated each time a transition into the final state occurs

When a final state is added to a workflow all other workflow states are considered as draft states.

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Workflow final state

For a final state the default color is green for the byline item state indicator circle next to the state name.

All other states in the workflow will be indicated as draft states with a default orange for the byline item state indicator circle.

If the content transitions to another state in the workflow the last version of the content in the final state can be viewed through an additional breadcrumb in the page subtitle.

View approved byline

If content is subsequently updated after a transition to the final state (that includes an Updated transition) the workflow will transition to a draft state set by the transition. The draft state will display a View approved byline breadcrumb link to the last workflow approved version.

Choosing View approved displays the content version on the last transition into the final state.

  • there is no access to the workflow popup when viewing this version

The View pending approval breadcrumb links back to the latest content version

  • this is the draft content

  • this can be content in any state in the workflow (including the final state version if edits have been undertaken whilst in this state and no transition has occurred)

If a document in the final state is edited and no transition occurs then the View approved link is appended to the final state byline.

This is a link to the version on the last transition to this final state as the document version in the workflow final state has been updated.

To ensure that the View approved version is the same as the content in the workflow final state, you should add an updated transition to the final state.

Choosing the Approved (Compare versions) tick breadcrumb displays details of the latest content (workflow draft version) and the workflow approved version of the content.

Remove view and edit restrictions from a workflow final state

Adding a final state does not add or change restrictions on who can view the workflow draft version content or the workflow approved version content.

Transitioning the workflow from a draft state to the final state does not change the Confluence view and edit permission for users on a page or blog post.

However, if page-level restrictions have been set for the document, the page-level permissions can be removed for the content on a transition to the final state in the workflow.

A space admin can configure the space  to remove any view and edit restrictions for all users/groups for the content on transition to the workflow final state.

Page-level restrictions for all users and groups can also be removed by using a JSON workflow trigger and the remove-restrictions action macro.

For example, on a change of state to the Rejected state

"triggers": [ {"event": "on-change-state", "conditions": [ {"state": "Rejected"} ], "actions": [ {"action": "remove-restrictions"} ]} ]

The JSON trigger can be set to listen for different events and conditions.

Publishing using the final state and the Comala Publishing app

You can manage secure publishing of content by using the Comala Publishing app to publish content to a different space in the same site.

You can automatically publish content to a different space using Comala Document Management together with Comala Publishing

The Comala Publishing for Cloud app must be installed and the current space enabled as a draft space for publishing to a target public space to publish content either on a transition to final workflow state or on an event configured in a publish-page trigger.