Space Administration


The space settings document management dashboard shows all available workflows in the space. A space admin can activate one workflow for all content


Space settings document management dashboard

Choose Space Settings>App links in the Confluence sidebar

  • or choose Space Settings and select the Comala Document Management option in App links

The Comala Document Management dashboard displays the available space workflows in the space.

Space workflows

Each of the workflows listed in the space document management dashboard can be

  • enabled and applied to all the pages and blog posts in the space

  • added on a page-by-page basis to each page and blog post in the space

Only one workflow can be active in the dashboard. Enabling a workflow automatically disables an existing active workflow.

By default

  • no workflow is enabled for the space

  • workflows included with the app are displayed in the dashboard

The app includes three workflows that cannot be overwritten or deleted:

In the dashboard, they are marked with the Template tag.

The dashboard also includes any other custom workflows created in the space or imported to the space.

A space administrator can enable one of the workflows. This active workflow is applied to all the pages and blog posts in the space as a space workflow by moving the grey slider to blue.

Space workflow application

To add and apply one of the workflows to all the pages and blog posts in the space

  • select and click on the grey slider next to the workflow name

The slider turns blue and activates the workflow. The workflow is applied to all the pages in the space.

An active workflow in the space document management dashboard overrides all workflows applied individually to pages and blog posts.

By clicking the blue slider on the active workflow to off (grey)

  • the active workflow in the space is disabled

  • it is removed from all the pages and blog posts in the space

Choosing to enable another workflow in the space disables any existing active workflow.

Space custom workflows

Space workflow Actions options

For each workflow, several Actions options are available.

  • View detail displays a visual flowchart for the workflow

  • Duplicate creates a copy of the existing workflow and adds it to the dashboard as an editable custom workflow

  • Initialize States to choose and set the workflow state on all pages for the active space workflow (only available when the workflow is active)

For a custom workflow, Actions includes additional options.

  • Edit with Visual Builder opens the visual editor to edit the workflow

  • Edit with Code Editor opens the code editor to edit the JSON code for the workflow template

  • Remove deletes the custom workflow from the space

Space workflow Parameters

If the current workflow includes one or more workflow parameters, a space admin can set the workflow parameter value(s) in the space when the workflow is active.



The dashboard provides utilities to

  • Refresh Workflows

  • Clear Document Activity

  • Initialize States

Use the dashboard ellipsis menu to access Refresh Workflows and Clear Document Activity.

For an active workflow, use the workflow template Actions option to use the Initialize States utility.

Settings - Remove Restrictions

The space configuration settings option removes page-level restrictions.

When enabled, Confluence page-level restrictions are removed once the final state in the applied workflow is reached.

In the space settings document management dashboard

  • toggle the Remove Restrictions grey slider to blue to enable the setting

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Space Administration

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