Space Parameters - space settings

Space Parameters - space settings


The document management space settings display the number of workflow parameters for all the workflows with a parameter. Workflow parameter values defined in a workflow can be managed in the app space settings.



The workflow parameter values can be edited when the workflow is active in the app space settings. The value used in the space for the workflow parameters is set by choosing the parameters lozenge to open the Parameters dialog box.

space admin icon image

Set parameters

If the current workflow includes a workflow parameter, a space admin can set the value for the workflow parameter for the current added space workflow.

The @ Parameters button is enabled when the active space workflow includes one or more workflow parameters.

Choose @ Parameters to open the Parameters dialog box to edit the available workflow parameter(s) for the current space workflow.

For example, the bundled Content Expiry Workflow has the workflow parameter named expiration.

To change the expiration parameter value that is used by the workflow

  • enable the workflow in the app space settings

  • choose the @ Parameters button

  • edit the Expiration parameter value displayed in the Parameters dialog box

The current value in the space is displayed for each workflow parameter defined in the active workflow.

For the Quality Management System Workflow as the active space workflow:

The @ Parameters displays the workflow parameters defined in the workflow

  • Document User Reviewers (user type workflow parameter)

  • Document Group Reviewers (group type workflow parameter)

If the value for the workflow parameter is changed in the app space settings, the new value is used when the workflow is first applied to a page or a blog post. For example:

  • when a page is created, and the workflow is active in the space

The updated parameter value is also used the next time a workflow event occurs that causes the retrieval of the workflow parameter value. For example:

  • if the space admin updates the expiration parameter

  • the next transition to the Approved state uses this new value to set the Approved state expiry

The value for a workflow parameter can be accessed by adding the parameter name enclosed in the @ symbols, such as @expiration@.

Workflow parameters must be added with a name. You can optionally add a label for clarity.

For example:

  • the workflow parameter in the Content Expiry Workflow is named expiration

  • it is also defined with the label Expiration

When referencing the workflow parameter in the workflow in a trigger, use the workflow parameter name within the @ symbols.

  • in the Content Expiry Workflow, the workflow parameter is referenced as @expiration@ for the due date in the Approved state

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