Actions options - space workflow
The document management space settings display all the workflows available in the current space. Each workflow has several Actions options to view the workflow details and manage it in the space.
In addition to selecting a single workflow and making it active on all content in the current space, a space administrator has several Actions options for each workflow:
view a workflow visual flowchart
duplicate a workflow to add a custom workflow in the space settings screen
initialize the workflow states for an active workflow
edit a custom workflow using the code editor or visual builder
remove a custom workflow from the space
Workflows are ordered alphanumerically in the app space settings.
Actions menu options
Actions options are displayed for each workflow in the space app space settings.
For each workflow, several Actions options are available.
Available Actions depend on whether the workflow is
active or inactive
a bundled workflow or a custom workflow
View detail
display a visual flowchart for the workflow
create a copy of the existing workflow and add it to the app space settings as an editable custom workflow
Initialize States
choose and set the workflow state on all pages for the active space workflow
The Initialize States option is only displayed when the workflow is active
Additional Actions options are displayed for a custom workflow
Edit with Visual Builder opens the visual editor to edit the workflow
Edit with Code Editor opens the code editor to edit the JSON code for the workflow template
Remove deletes the custom workflow from the space
If no workflow is active in the dashboard, all workflows in the space document management settings are available for a user to add as page workflows.
If the current workflow includes one or more workflow parameters, a space administrator can set the value(s) for these workflow parameters when the workflow is active.
Actions options - included workflows
Three Actions tool options are available for the workflows included with the app. These workflows are appended with the Template lozenge.
View detail
Displays the
visual workflow diagram
workflow description
Creates a copy of the workflow in the app space settings.
The duplicate is
a custom workflow
Confirm duplication and addition of the workflow copy to the app space settings by
adding a unique workflow name
choosing Submit
Initialize States
Displays the Initialize States dialog box to
initialize all non-initialized and obsolete workflow states to a selected state
Check the Override preexistent states option to set all pages with an applied workflow to the selected state.
Actions options - custom workflow
There are three additional Actions tool options for a custom workflow.
Edit with Visual Builder
Opens the current workflow in the workflow builder visual editor.
changes are saved to the current workflow.
If the name is changed when saving the changes, a new custom workflow is created and added to the app space settings.
Edit with Code Editor
Opens the current workflow in the code editor.
changes are saved to the current workflow
If the name is changed when saving the changes, a new custom workflow is created and added to the app space settings.
Deletes the current workflow and removes it from the app space settings screen.
As this is not reversible, the dialog box requests confirmation of the action.
Related pages
Space Administration