Remove Restrictions - space settings
The space settings document Management dashboard displays all the workflows available in the current space. Settings for the space can be configured in the dashboard to remove page-level restrictions when an applied workflow with a final workflow state transitions to this final state.
Settings - Remove Restrictions
When content reaches a workflow final state, the workflow can be set to remove all page-level Confluence view and edit restrictions for all users and groups.
A workflow must be active in the dashboard to change the current Remove Restrictions settings for the space.
To enable the setting
choose the grey slider
swipe the slider to the right
The Remove Restrictions dialog box is displayed
confirm the setting in the dialog box
When enabled the setting slider is blue.
Once set as enabled, Remove Restrictions is enabled automatically when any workflow is active the dashboard.
Remove Restrictions option is disabled unless a workflow is set as active in the space.
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Space Administration
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