How to draw a burn down line in an Arsenal graph or report in the Dataplane app

This article explains how to draw a burn-down line in an Arsenale graph or report using scripts.


  1. Please access the report in question by navigating to Dataplane Reports > Reports > My Reports

  2. Open the report where the burn-down line needs to be drawn in the Arsenal graph or report and use the below script in the Customizer Script field.

    YEAR_COLUMN_NAME = "Year" MONTH_COLUMN_NAME = "Month" DAY_COLUMN_NAME = "Day" VALUE_COLUMN_NAME = "Time Spent (Hours, Historical)" def startDate def startValue def endDate def endValue def formatDate(int year, int month, int day) { return String.format("%04d-%02d-%02d", year, month, day); } customizeResult { def m = getMatrix() def yearCol = getColumn(YEAR_COLUMN_NAME) def monthCol = getColumn(MONTH_COLUMN_NAME) def dayCol = getColumn(DAY_COLUMN_NAME) def valueCol = getColumn(VALUE_COLUMN_NAME) def startDateRow = 0 def endDateRow = m.rowCount()-1; startDate = formatDate(m.getValue(startDateRow, yearCol), m.getValue(startDateRow, monthCol), m.getValue(startDateRow, dayCol)) startValue = m.getValue(startDateRow, valueCol) endDate = formatDate(m.getValue(endDateRow, yearCol), m.getValue(endDateRow, monthCol), m.getValue(endDateRow, dayCol)) endValue = 0 } customizeChart { lineAnnotation "Ideal Burn Down" from (startDate, startValue) to (endDate, endValue) color "red" style "dotted" }


  3. Click on Run Report to get the burndown line in the report.

  • The script can be modified based on a given requirement to draw burn down line.

  • You can modify the script based on your requirement.