How to filter report results to only those work log entries authored by specific users

This article explains how to filter report results based on only those work log entries authored by specific users.


  1. Login to Jira as Jira Administrator.

  2. Go to Dataplane Reports.

  3. Create the User Work Logged report.

  4. Add this script here:


    USERS_TO_INCLUDE = [ "automation" ] def includeUser(String user) { return (user != null) && USERS_TO_INCLUDE.contains(user) } customizeResult { def col = getColumn("Work Logged By") Matrix matrix = getMatrix() Matrix newm = matrixFactory.createMatrix() newm.addColumn(matrix.getColumns()) matrix.rows().each { row -> String user = row.getValue(col) if (includeUser(user)) { int rownum = newm.addRow() newm.setRow(rownum, row.getRow()) } } setMatrix(newm) }


  5. Click Run Report.

  6. The report is generated for the specific user (automation).


Please replace automation user with your specific user in the above script.