How to set notifications for multiple teams/projects

This article explains how to set notifications for multiple teams and projects via Email or Slack.


  1. Go to the SLA configuration page and set the JQL for the goal section. Choose “Add new SLA goal” to add multiple goals.

  2. Set the JQL for the goal section. Set as assignee in membersof() in the Issues (JQL) to set the group users.

  3. Add more than 1 goal if you have more groups or users (based on the Slack URL Group)

assignee in membersof(“jira-administrators”) ….. goal 1 for jira-administrators

assigne in membersof(“QA-team”) ….. goal 2 for QA-team

assigne in membersof(“Dev-team”) ….. goal 3 for Dev-team

  1. Click on the notifiers to go to the notification page.

  1. Click on “Associate with goals“ and it will prompt a window to choose the goals (goal 1, goal 2, goal 3) to be associated with.

This page is for Time to SLA on Cloud instance