How to resolve tickets when the users are unable to see existing SLA Configurations

This article explains how to resolve tickets when users are unable to see existing SLA Configurations due to permissions issues.

This issue mostly occurs in the following scenarios:

  • When the users are migrated to Next-Gen SLAs

  • If the new users were added recently.

  • No permissions are given to the users in relevant Jira groups.

Instructions to address the issue

  1. Users, to start with, see a blank SLA configuration page as shown in the below screenshot.


  2. This happens when the user does not have permission. To provide access, follow the below steps:

    1. From the Apps dropdown, select the Time to SLA app


    2. On the left side panel, select Permissions

    3. Now, select SLA Configurations

    4. Edit and add the username to whom the permission has to be granted

    5. Click on save.


  3. Once the user is added and saved, the SLA configuration shows up on the SLA configuration page.


  • These configuration settings must be done by a Jira Administrator.