Time to SLA App stop working after upgrading to v10.14.1 from Legacy SLA version

This article provides a solution for the issue encountered when the Time to SLA app stops functioning after upgrading to v10.14.1 from the Legacy version.


  1. Upgraded from Time to SLA v10.2.1 to v10.14.1.

  2. After upgrading the version, the app stopped working.

  3. Error log:

2023-11-10 22:32:00,975-0300 timetosla-migration-pool-1 ERROR ServiceRunner [c.s.j.p.timetosla.service.G] [Time to SLA Plugin for JIRA] Unexpected error while migrating SLAs at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)




  • All SLA panels are missing when trying to regenerate or recalculate the SLA.

Resolution Steps

  1. Disable the Time to SLA app.

  2. Take a backup of the Database. Execute the following SQL query(change according to the DB that is being used).


  4. Re-enable the add-on and wait for it until it finishes the migration.

  5. If the issue persists, please go to the "AO_C5D949_TTS_SLA" table and look at the "PROXIED_SLA_ID" column.
    In that column, search for the value equal to "null”. You'll be able to see the problematic SLA.


This article is for Time to SLA Data Center and tested with v10.14.1 only.