Dashboard Hub

Dashboard Hub


Dashboard Hub

Dashboard Hub allows the creation of advanced dashboards. A dashboard is a visualization tool for your organization’s data, like metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs). This data is displayed in Dashboard Hub using gadgets, which are the small components that fetch the data (like tables, graphs, text, etc.) and render it appropriately.

To streamline accessing and visualizing crucial information, BigPicture introduced the BigPicture Custom Charts gadget, which is tailored for creating charts based on BigPicture boxes.

By using the integration, users can:

  • Create custom BigPicture charts and dashboards.

  • Share dashboards externally with password-protected links in seconds.

  • Combine and integrate different data sources, instances, and products into the same dashboard – creating a single reference point for their team. By having all the data in the same place, users can stop jumping from one tool to another. Teams migrating can display data from different instances to ease their migration journey.

  • Access the BigPicture metrics from Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, or even monday.com, thanks to the Dashboard Hub family of apps.

  • Leverage all Dashboard Hub powerful features:

    • Advanced restrictions/permissions on charts and dashboards

    • Dynamic filtering

    • Creating custom charts with JQL and formulas

    • Use of templates

    • Nearly 100 pre-built Jira metrics
      and more.

For more information, check the Dashboard Hub documentation.


  • Add BigPicture Custom Charts gadget to Dashboard Hub.

  • Add BigPicture as a datasource.


The BigPicture Search Panel

The BigPicture search allows you to search through your boxes and select the elements you want to display in your BigPicture Custom Charts gadget, filtering out unwanted tasks or projects.

You can search through the selected box by:

  • ID

  • Status

  • Box type

  • Text search mode filters information based on the BigPicture summary fields. Available text fields depend on your data source.

  • Start/end date range

The search also applies to all hidden fields and columns.

Selecting the fields for the BigPicture Custom Charts

  1. Select the BigPicture Custom Charts gadget.

  2. The Select and Filter Your Boxes panel is displayed.

  3. Click the Select Multiple Boxes field. The Tree locator displays the fields in your BigPicture instance for the selected data source.

  4. Use the checkboxes to select the box ID where the content will be displayed in the BigPicture Custom Charts gadget.

  5. Proceed to select the View Type (chart or table).

  6. Click Configure filters to refine your search to add additional search criteria.

  7. Click Load to preview the populated gadget.

  8. Click Add to save the gadget on the Dashboard.

If you selected Chart as a View type, you need to configure the chart before you can preview it.

View type: Table

You can view the results of your BigPicture search as a table, where you can select the displayed columns. Using the table view, you can display results as:

  • Group of results

  • Aggregation of results

Screenshot 2023-11-24 at 13.34.25.png

Group results

Group results by selected columns

If you are familiar with the GROUP BY statement in SQL, you can choose how to group the results of your BigPicture search.


When you select to group the results from the previously selected columns, the result rows are split into groups based on their values. This means that only one row is displayed for each of the groups.

Pay attention to selecting the columns based on the results that you want to display for each group.


If we filter the previous list of issues by the column Status, the results show only two rows, one for the status To Do and the other for the status Done.

Selecting the columns Status, Name, and ID, the resulting list displays three rows.

The grouping of columns is typically combined with aggregations.


Aggregations are also common in the SQL domain. These functions get the values of grouped rows as the input of that function to return a calculated value.

This gadget supports five functions:

  • Count. It returns the number of rows in that group.

  • Sum. It returns the addition of the sequence of the numbers of the group.

  • Min. It returns the smallest value of the range of values of the group.

  • Max. It returns the largest value of the range of values of the group.

  • Mean. The arithmetic mean; sums the values of the grouped rows and divides the result by how many rows are averaged.

For example, if we want to view the number of Boxes with status, leader, and description:

View type: Chart

Line chart

A line chart represents the results of your BigPicture search as a series of data points connected by a straight line. It’s used to visualize trends over periods or dates in the x-axis.

In the example, the line chart plots the issues created and closed date for a given date range.

Multi line chart

The multiline chart is helpful when comparing data in a time series or trends.

The example chart shows the issues with an end date and description grouped weekly for a given data range.

Tile chart

This visual representation presents the information in a set of tiles. You can display the result of your BigPicture search and apply aggregations.

For example, you might want to find out the status of your team activities, view the progress, and count the number of boxes.

After you apply the filters to your query, the results are displayed in tiles showing both the number and the percentage, in the example, for the items In Progress, Not Started, and Closed.

Bar chart

A bar chart represents the results of your BigPicture search as a series of rectangular bars with the height proportional to the represented values. It’s helpful to compare results of different types or categories.

For example, the example Bar Chart shows the created and closed issues displayed for the selected date range every quarter.

Note that you can select the bars to be horizontal or vertical, as in the example.

Grouped bar chart

We can perform more complex comparisons of the information returned by our query grouping by specific fields.

Stacked bar chart

The grouped bar chart is similar to the bar chart with the combined results of the groups on top of each other. Thus, the height is the combined result, making it not applicable to cases with negative values.

In the illustrative example, the chart displays all the tasks organized by their respective Created Date and with a description. The output showcases all the Created Dates distributed each week in a month for a selected date range per the user's specified date range.

Pie chart

A pie chart is a visualization of your data in a circular graph, where each slice indicates the quantity of the result of your BigPicture search. When a pie chart has several sections or slices, it’s difficult to compare one with another. To overcome this inconvenience, the pie chart comes with a table indicating the values of each slice and the % it represents.

When the field selected in “Chart by” has a date format, e.g., Created, a new selector allows grouping by day, week, month, quarter, or year, making the results easier to understand and communicate.

Area chart

The area chart represents the results of your BigPicture search as a series of data points connected by a straight line and filled with a colored area. The colored area can help emphasize the magnitude of the presented values. An area chart is often used to show trends over time or categories, as well as to compare multiple series of data.

In the example, the chart plots the issues based on their Created Date and Closed Date, organizing the Created Dates into monthly groupings for enhanced clarity and insight.

Stacked area chart

A stacked area chart is a variation of the area chart where the areas are stacked on top of each other instead of being overlaid. Each stack represents a category or a group, and the height of the stack represents the total value of the group. It's helpful in showing the relative contribution of each group to the total and tracking changes in the total over time. However, stacked area charts may not be suitable for displaying negative values, as they can become difficult to read.

Custom colors

Colors can communicate meaning, provoke emotions, and highlight information. Within our organizations and teams, it’s common to associate concepts with specific colors, making sharing ideas and information easier and quicker.

Whenever you select a chart, you’ll be able to choose the color of each specific segment or value of it:

 The color picker allows the selection of color either by hexadecimal code, RGB, or our pre-defined 24-color palette (selected based on the right contrasts and tones).

Hide segments

Not all the results are needed when communicating information in a chart, sometimes because one of those values or segments distorts the results or deviates the attention.

Clicking on the eye icon, the corresponding segment is hidden (or shown) in the chart:

Reorder segments

In the same line of hiding segments or customizing the colors of our charts, rearranging the position of the existing segments or values reinforces the way we transmit the information with our charts.

Just drag and drop any segment or value from the six dots on the left side of the segments and move it upwards or downwards to the correct place, and the chart will be updated accordingly.


Give your gadget a meaningful name so it is clear what it does and how to use it. Fill out the remaining of the fields as applicable:

  • The data source is where the source BigPicture instance is installed.

  • Select multiple boxes, and use the Tree locator to select the data you want to investigate.

  • The Configure filters to refine your search allow you to insert additional criteria. Choose from Text, ID, Status, Type, and Dates.

  • The View Type. Here, you choose the visual representation of your BigPicture search. Results can be displayed in a Table or a chart format.

  • Columns (just for the table view) allow you to choose the columns you want to display.

  • Group results by selected columns. Group your search results by the previously selected Columns.