Automated absence approval using Power Scripts

Integration compatibility

Platform: Jira Server/Jira Data Center

BigPicture ver.: 8.X.X

Power Scripts ver.: and later


Managing resources' absences plays a crucial role in planning the teams' future initiatives as well as in adjusting their current workload in the event of ad hoc days off. At the moment, BigPicture offers three possibilities for adding the Absences for a person:

  1. Submitting absences directly by the user;

  2. Managing the Absence of all resources by BigPicture administrators;

  3. Synchronizing the holiday plans from Tempo (BigPicture Enterprise installed and licensed required).

While the first two BigPicture built-in features definitely achieve the expected result, both of them have drawbacks. The former does not provide any form of absence authorization, therefore, the users can submit the days off freely, with no restrictions. The latter, on the other hand, puts the burden of maintaining the requests for large groups of people on several users' shoulders which may be cumbersome for large teams or organizations. 

Considering all of the above, we bring a remedy to this problem with Appfire's top-rated automation solution - Power Scripts. Configuring this feature by the Jira admin will enable the team members to submit their absence requests in a simple way by creating issues in a dedicated Jira project. Afterward, the record may be sent for approval to the specified Manager. Once the decision on this is made, the absence will be automatically synchronized to BigPicture's Absences and, as a result, the Resource's and Team's capacity for the respective period/timebox adjusted.