Modules (Box Configuration)
Various modules provide you with different insights into your data. As the terminology can vary from organization to organization, you can rename the modules to ensure their purpose is clear to everyone on your team.
In this section, you can use the toggle switches to specify which modules are active in a box.
Security and Access
Only a user with a minimum Box admin security role can access and manage the Box configuration.
To activate/deactivate or rename the modules go to Box configuration > General > Modules:
Deactivating modules
When you deactivate a module, all related configuration tabs and the module links will disappear. You can reactivate the module at any time without losing your data.
To activate or deactivate, click the toggle switch:
Rename modules
BigPicture Enterprise only.
For example, the Gantt module is commonly used as a Product Roadmap since it offers a timeline view and can also display Sub-Boxes, such as Program Increments or Iterations.
Click on the module name
Enter new name
To confirm changes, press enter/ click outside of the name box
Default module names
Default module names are set for a Box type.
Default module
You can set a default module - when you go to a box, you are taken directly to the default module of that box.
Click on Set as the default to change settings.
The order of the module list is fixed. The default module isn't indicated in any way in the module switcher.