BigPicture JiraCloud Release Notes 8.6 (2022-07-XX)

BigPicture JiraCloud Release Notes 8.6 (2022-07-XX)

Change log in Gantt module

See and understand the history of changes made in your Gantt charts

Coordinating complex initiatives is becoming way easier. Now, you can track every change in every work item’s dates and date ranges and immediately understand the situation. The log is available in the Gantt module, but it reflects date changes made in other modules of BigPicture too.

Undo option in the Gantt module

Reverse changes easily. Now, date and date range changes that you apply by drag-and-drop moving or resizing items on your Gantt chart can be easily reversed by clicking the Undo button. The button gets activated whenever you carry out an action that can be reversed. Convenient, isn’t it?

Hide greyed-out tasks in Gantt and Board modules