
Calendar tasks can be color-coded, similar to the Gantt module. When heatmap mode is off, there is no color coding:

Aggregation view in Calendar

Activating the Heatmap mode


To activate the Heatmap mode, you can use the  shortcut.

Go to the View dropdown and click on Heatmap mode.

Calendar module, view, heatmap mode

A checkmark indicates whether the Heatmap mode is currently:



Task Color

Task color can be displayed based on the following:

  • Task status

  • Manually selected colors

Task status

tasks status

  • grey (TO DO)

  • blue (IN PROGRESS)

  • green (DONE)

Manually selected colors


Below, you can see how manual colors translate to the Calendar module:

You can change the task color directly in the Calendar module. Right-click on a task to see a pop-up menu. The selected task will be highlighted in blue.

Once you select a color, click outside the pop-up menu to close it. The task is no longer highlighted and a new color is visible.

You can change the manually selected task colors, even when the Heatmap mode is inactive. The pop-up menu is still accessible, and changes can be made. The manual task color changes will affect other modules (Gantt).