I want to organize templates into groups/categories

Context: A Support Manager wants to organize templates into groups/categories.

User Problem: As a Support Manager, I don’t want the support agents to scan through numerous templates every day. I want them to be grouped for easy usage.

Solution: Using Canned Responses Pro Templates for Jira!

This problem can be easily fixed by utilizing Canned Responses Pro Templates for Jira’s nesting function.

When creating a new template, you can nest it in a folder by using double colons in the name. This is especially great for organizing templates if you have a large number of them and can help support agents spend less time scrolling through templates. For example, to put the "Deleting account" template in the "Instructions" folder, you can name the template Instructions::Deleting account and it'll be nested accordingly. Check out an example below:

Creating a template named “Instructions::Deleting account.”
How the folder and the template appear to the end user.

Agents can also favorite a template by clicking the star button next to it, according to their individual style of work. The favorite templates will appear on the quick toolbar, allowing for one-click insertion. Favoriting a template is individual; only the person who favorited a given template will see it in their quick toolbar.

Problem solved!