I want to add a signature to responses

I want to add a signature to responses

Context: A Support Manager wants their team to have signatures when responding to customer messages, but it’s time-consuming to manually type out the signature for each response.

User Problem: As a Support Manager, I want my team to have uniform signatures so that, when they are responding to customers, they look more professional.

Solution: Using Canned Responses Pro Templates for Jira’s Signatures feature!

In Canned Responses Pro Templates for Jira, each user can create a template for their signature. The signatures will be automatically inserted into their responses, eliminating the need for manual selection and thus providing a time-saving benefit for users.

A signature made using personal shared data + shared project data + global signature

You can share a global template for all users in all projects, define per-project signatures that can be used by all users in a given project, and let users use personal templates that are defined by themselves.

Problem solved!