MigratŠµ integrated apps

Who can use this information

This page contains information for Jira admins who want to move app configuration and data from a Jira Server/Data Center instance to a Jira Cloud site.

If youā€™re an app vendor or developer who wants to allow their users to move app configuration and data from a Jira Server/Data Center instance to a Jira Cloud site, visit the App Integrations page.

Integration between apps and Configuration Manager for Jira for server-to-cloud migrations

Configuration Manager for Jira (CMJ) offers App IntegrationsĀ functionality to other Jira apps. This functionality has two main use cases for integration:

  • Integration for server-to-server app migration. It allows admins to move their server appā€™s configuration and data between Jira Server/Data Center instances using Configuration Manager for Jira (CMJ).

  • Integration for server-to-cloud app migration. It allows admins to move their appā€™s data from a Jira Server/Data Center instance to a Jira Cloud site using the Cloud Migration Tool and Configuration Manager for Jira (CMJ) Cloud pair.

In each of these use cases, CMJ provides endpoints, which apps can use to integrate. For the server-to-cloud migration use case, right now, there is one endpoint available - Workflows. This means when an app is integrated with CMJ using that endpoint, its workflow elements (conditions, validators, and post-functions) can be migrated to Jira Cloud.

We are working on adding other endpoints for migrating custom fields, project configurations, dashboards, issue data, etc., in the future.

Check the apps that already have integration with CMJ for server-to-cloud migrations.

Migrate an appā€™s workflow elements from Jira Server/Data Center to Cloud

Cloud Migration Tool migrates app workflow elements from Jira Server/Data Center to Cloud if they are:

  • coming from an app integrated with CMJ using the Workflow endpoint, and,

  • associated with the projects added to the migration scope.

In this case, the appā€™s workflow elements are automatically included, and you donā€™t need to choose them explicitly during the migration creation.


You start a migration and add a project that has a workflow condition created using an app integrated with CMJ. The condition will automatically be moved to the Cloud during the migration.

Prerequisites for migrating apps to Jira Cloud