Analytics data

Analytics data collected

The Cloud Migration Tool captures analytics data and stores it in a private analytics database hosted by Amazon Web Services in the United States of America.

The app collects limited information to help us determine areas to focus on in our future releases. We include the Support Entitlement Number (SEN) to improve the customer support experience. For more information, you can check Appfire’s Privacy Policy.

You can opt-out at any point by toggling the analytics option to "off" in the Manage Apps → Cloud Migration Tool→ Settings page.

Migration created

The data below is collected each time a migration is created. 

{ "keen": { "timestamp": "2022-01-04T11:09:34.071Z", "created_at": "2022-01-04T11:09:34.265Z", "id": "61d42aee97abe50001b2b4a1" }, "eventInfo": { "jiraCloudLicenseType": null, "migrationId": "a38d971b-7da2-43e1-91c6-731871c289a1", "jiraCloudBaseUrl": "" }, "hostInfo": { "hostVersion": "8.20.0", "powerAdmin": { "state": "NOT_INSTALLED", "version": null }, "hostSEN": "NONE", "hostIsEvaluation": false, "configurationManager": { "state": "NOT_INSTALLED", "version": null }, "hostIsDataCenter": false, "hostEdition": "ENTERPRISE", "hostServerId": "AG87-S37R-QM8W-6VWE", "hostMaxUsers": 10, "issueMatrix": { "state": "NOT_INSTALLED", "version": null }, "integrityCheck": { "state": "NOT_INSTALLED", "version": null }, "hostLicenseType": "STARTER" }, "pluginInfo": { "cloudInfo": { "supportedCloudVersion": "1.5", "cloudBaseUrl": "http://localhost:10202", "currentCloudApiVersion": "null" }, "pluginVersion": "1.1.2-CMJC-1342-SNAPSHOT", "pluginKey": "com.botronsoft.jira.cloudmigrationtool" } }

Migration provisioned

The data below is collected each time a migration is provisioned on Configuration Manager’s Cloud environment. 

{ "keen": { "timestamp": "2022-01-04T11:09:11.692Z", "created_at": "2022-01-04T11:09:11.752Z", "id": "61d42ad728d13200012a50ff" }, "eventInfo": { "jiraCloudLicenseType": "ACTIVE_TRIAL", "migrationId": "2f708e73-f069-4934-aa94-74d90815c7f2", "jiraCloudBaseUrl": "", "projectCount": 2 }, "hostInfo": { "hostVersion": "8.20.0", "powerAdmin": { "state": "NOT_INSTALLED", "version": null }, "hostSEN": "NONE", "hostIsEvaluation": false, "configurationManager": { "state": "NOT_INSTALLED", "version": null }, "hostIsDataCenter": false, "hostEdition": "ENTERPRISE", "hostServerId": "AG87-S37R-QM8W-6VWE", "hostMaxUsers": 10, "issueMatrix": { "state": "NOT_INSTALLED", "version": null }, "integrityCheck": { "state": "ENABLED", "version": "6.10.2" }, "hostLicenseType": "STARTER" }, "pluginInfo": { "cloudInfo": { "supportedCloudVersion": "1.5", "cloudBaseUrl": "http://localhost:10202", "currentCloudApiVersion": "null" }, "pluginVersion": "1.1.2-CMJC-1342-SNAPSHOT", "pluginKey": "com.botronsoft.jira.cloudmigrationtool" } }

Migration succeeded

The data below is collected each time a migration is completed successfully.

{ "keen": { "timestamp": "2022-01-01T20:25:58.583Z", "created_at": "2022-01-01T20:25:58.864Z", "id": "61d0b8d62e99e40001c547c7" }, "eventInfo": { "jiraCloudLicenseType": null, "projectCount": 1, "jiraCloudBaseUrl": "", "issueCount": 126, "configurationChangesCount": 576, "migrationId": "e7592704-8b47-4d5b-804a-bb3ec6462e40", "duration": 64782 }, "hostInfo": { "hostVersion": "8.5.1", "powerAdmin": { "state": "ENABLED", "version": "2.0.5" }, "hostSEN": "SEN-12027753", "hostIsEvaluation": false, "configurationManager": { "state": "ENABLED", "version": "6.10.2" }, "hostIsDataCenter": false, "hostEdition": "ENTERPRISE", "hostServerId": "B5GZ-ULAG-SCKW-0ZRM", "hostMaxUsers": 100, "issueMatrix": { "state": "NOT_INSTALLED", "version": null }, "integrityCheck": { "state": "ENABLED", "version": "6.10.2" }, "hostLicenseType": "COMMERCIAL" }, "pluginInfo": { "cloudInfo": { "supportedCloudVersion": "1.5", "cloudBaseUrl": "", "currentCloudApiVersion": "null" }, "pluginVersion": "1.1.2-SNAPSHOT", "pluginKey": "com.botronsoft.jira.cloudmigrationtool" } }

Migration object mapping download

The data below is collected each time the user mapping file is downloaded from the Analyze Changes page.

Migration object mapping applied

The data below is collected each time custom mapping is applied on configuration elements in the Analyze Changes page. For now, custom mapping can be applied to users in the migration. Learn more

Migration client side fail

The data below is collected each time an error isolated in the Cloud Migration Tool occurs.

Migration analysis fail

The data below is collected each time an error occurs during the analysis phase.

Migration fails

The data below is collected each time an error occurs during the data migration phase.

Migration preparation fails

The data below is collected each time an error occurs before the analysis phase (usually during Integrity Check of the configuration).