App Integrations with CMJ

App Integrations with CMJ

Who can use this information

  1. App vendors who want to allow their customers to move app configuration and data from one Jira instance to another.

  2. Jira customers who develop apps for internal usage and want to move the app configuration and data between Jira instances.

  3. Developers who want to integrate apps with Configuration Manager for Jira (CMJ) for app data and configuration migration purposes.

App Integrations with CMJ

Integrate your apps with Configuration Manager for Jira (CMJ) to migrate their configuration and data between Jira instances.

App configuration and data migration with CMJ

App Integrations is a platform we've built for Atlassian vendors who:

  • build Jira apps, and

  • want to add the ability for configuration and data migration to their apps.

The platform allows you to integrate your apps into our Configuration Manager for Jira (CMJ) app. CMJ is a Jira configuration and change-management tool used by Jira admins to move and migrate Jira configurations, such as projects, custom fields, workflows, etc., from one instance to another.

We've developed an extension to CMJ that provides the same features for migrating app configuration and data to Jira admins. It is called the Configuration Manager Service Provider Interface (SPI).

Integration is done with easy-to-use endpoints provided by the SPI. Vendors’ development teams must connect their apps to these endpoints to integrate with CMJ.

The interface has two versions: Server/DC SPI for Jira server apps and Cloud SPI for Jira Cloud apps.

Types of integrations

App Integrations offers two types of integrations. The type you choose depends on the Jira platform and the ability you want to build in your app.

Take a look at the Integration types document for more guidance.

Integration with CMJ for server-to-server migrations

Integrate your app with CMJ, and your customers will be able to move your app’s configuration and data from one Jira Server/DC instance to another.

To allow such migrations, you must integrate your server app with CMJ using the Server SPI’s endpoints.

Learn more about this integration type

Integration with the Cloud Migration Tool and CMJ Cloud for server-to-cloud migrations

To allow your customers to move your app’s configuration and data from a Jira Server/DC instance to a Jira Cloud instance, you need to:

  1. Integrate your server app with the Configuration Manager Cloud Migration Tool using the Server SPI’s endpoints.

  2. Integrate the relevant cloud app with CMJ Cloud using the Cloud SPI’s endpoints.

Learn more about this integration type

Supported configuration types

The types of app configuration and data that can be moved or migrated are:

  • For server-to-server migration: workflow elements, custom fields, project elements, dashboards, arbitrary app data, and global configuration.

  • For server-to-cloud migration: workflow elements.

Already integrated apps

Many vendors have already successfully integrated their apps with CMJ. As a result, their customers can now move their app configuration and data from one Jira instance to another.

Go to the List of all integrated apps document to see the apps already integrated with CMJ and their integration types.

Vendor Integration Corner

We’ve built documents and developer guides that will lead your teams along the way to the integration. Visit the Vendor Integration Corner, where you’ll find the complete developer guides for each of the SPI versions:

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