KB : Installing multiple TFS4JIRA Synchronizers in the same server
Warning: both Synchronizers will be running the same version of TFS4JIRA. It's not possible to have one Synchronizer running 7.6.0 and another 7.7.1.
- Assuming you already have TFS4JIRA installed.
- Open IIS.
- Stop the TFS4JIRA Sync App Pool.
- Navigate to the location where the TFS4JIRA files are located. By default at C:\inetpub\wwwroot.
- Create a copy of the tfs-jira-synchronizer folder and rename it (e.g. tfs4jira2).
- Go back to C:\inetpub and create a folder named wwwroot2.
- Move the folder you created in step 5 to wwwroot2.
- Go back to IIS.
- Create a new Website:
- Make sure to point Physical path to the wwwroot2 folder and that you're using an available port (i.e. one that's not taken by another application).
- Uncheck the "Start Website immediately" option.
- Create a new Application under the TFS4JIRA Website and:
- set an Alias (e.g. tfs4jira2).
- point the Application Pool that was created in the previous step (e.g. TFS4JIRA).
- set Physical path to the folder you copied in step 5.
- make sure the Preload Enabled option is checked.
- Go back to the Application Pools and go to Advanced Settings for the Application Pool you recently created (e.g. TFS4JIRA).
- Make sure the Enable 32-Bit Applications option is set to True.
- Start Mode should be AlwaysRunning.
- Idle time-out (minutes) should be 0.