KB : How to remove customers from OnDemand DB
Whenever client will receive 401 during process of installing TFS4JIRA plugin in the Cloud 99% of the time it means that we need to delete his record in our own DB.
Step-by-step guide
You will need an access to our OnDemand component at tfs4jira
You will need direct address of clients Jira Cloud instance like 'https://demo.atlassian.net'
To remove a client from DB please perform those steps.
SSH to our Lightsail instanceÂ
ssh ubuntu@tfs4jira-ondemand-checkins.spartez.com -p 1011
Enter the spellÂ
psql -h aws-tfs4jira-database.cwegminyi5et.eu-central-1.rds.amazonaws.com -U tfs4jira tfs4jira
- It will ask for password which you can get in step 2.
Then in terminal typeÂ
select * from jiras where url='https://_direct_address_of_clients_Jira_Cloud_instance_';
With 'https://demo.atlassian.net' it would beÂ
select * from jiras where url='https://demo.atlassian.net';
Check if it returns just one value. Afterwards run the same query but instead of select use delete so it would look like thisÂ
delete from jiras where url='https://_direct_address_of_clients_Jira_Cloud_instance_' LIMIT 1;
- Cross fingers and hope for the best!