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This routine is available starting SIL Engine™ 3.0.2.

This routine is available for Jira server and cloud deployment options.


getWorklogsForIssues(startDate, endDate, issues[ , user] )



Returns an array with the worklogs for the specified list of issues, and if exists for given user also. 


startDateDateYesStart date of the interval where the startDate of the worklog can be.
endDateDateYesEnd date of the interval where the startDate of the worklog can be.
issuesString[]YesList of the issues the filter can be made from.
userStringNoUser from whom can be made the filter.


Return type

JWorklog []


Example 1

return getWorklogsForIssues("2014-11-26", "2014-12-03", {"DEMO-6","LFTP-1","TSTAG-4"},"user");

Returns an array containing the JWorklog list structures of the issues that have the startDate between start date =  "2014-11-26"(inclusive) and end date = "2014-12-03"(exclusive), for given user.


Example 2


return getWorklogsForIssues("2014-11-26", "2014-12-03", {"DEMO-6","LFTP-1","TSTAG-4"});

Returns an array containing the JWorklog list structures of the issues that have the startDate between start date =  "2014-11-26"(inclusive) and end date = "2014-12-03"(exclusive). The filter of the worklogs is made only by the issues.


See also