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This routine is available starting with SIL Engine™ 2.5.

This routine is available for Jira server and cloud deployment options.

Syntax for the server version:

removeWorklogIncreaseEstimateBy(worklog, increaseBy)

Syntax for the cloud version:

removeWorklogIncreaseEstimateBy(issue, worklog, increaseBy)


Removes the worklog and the Remaining time will be increased by the value of increaseBy.

Parameters for the server version:

worklogNumberYesId of the selected worklog.
increaseByIntervalYesInterval to increase Remaining by.

Parameters for the cloud version:

issueStringYesthe issue key
worklogNumberYesId of the selected worklog.
increaseByIntervalYesInterval to increase Remaining by.

Return type


Example (server only)

removeWorklogIncreaseEstimateBy(10000, "4h");

Removes the worklog with id = 10000, increasing the remaining time by 4 hours.

Example (cloud only)

removeWorklogIncreaseEstimateBy(key, 10000, "4h");

Removes the worklog with id = 10000 from the current issue, increasing the remaining time by 4 hours.

See also