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This routine is available starting with SIL Engine™ 2.5.

This routine is available for Jira server and cloud deployment options.

Syntax for the server version:

updateWorklogExistingEstimate(worklog, interval, startDate, comment)

Syntax for the cloud version:

updateWorklogExistingEstimate(issue, worklog, interval, startDate, comment)


Updates the worklog and keeps the same Remaining time.

Parameters for the server version

worklogNumberYesId of the selected worklog.
intervalIntervalYesInterval of time worked.
startDateDateYesStart working date.
commentStringYesComment that will be posted on the worklog.

Parameters for the cloud version

issueStringYesThe issue key.
worklogNumberYesId of the selected worklog.
intervalIntervalYesInterval of time worked.
startDateDateYesStart working date.
commentStringYesComment that will be posted on the worklog.

Return type


Example (server only)

updateWorklogExistingEstimate(10000, "2h", currentDate(), "test worklog");

Updates the worklog with id = 10000, setting the worked interval to  2 hours and keeping the old remaining time.

Example (cloud only)

updateWorklogExistingEstimate(key, 10000, "2h", currentDate(), "test worklog");

Updates the worklog with id = 10000 for the current issue, setting the worked interval to  2 hours and keeping the old remaining time.

See also