String routines

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This section contains routines that enable users to handle strings.

Routines summary

  • escapeHtml
  • base64DecodeDecodes from Base64. This is useful when transferring data like retrieving images stored in a database.
  • base64EncodeEncodes text in Base64. This is useful when transferring data like attaching a signature to the bottom of an email or storing images in a database.
  • chopReturns a string, chopped at nmb characters. Cuts down the string (if length is greater than nmb characters) to a string of max nmb chars.
  • containsReturns true if character expression str2 is in character expression str1.
  • endsWithReturns true if str1 ends with str2.
  • executeTemplateExecutes a template. All variables already defined in the script are passed to that template.
  • hashStringReturns a consistent hash to be used across systems. The hash is not guaranteed to be unique (i.e. two strings s1 != s2 may have the same hash).
  • indexOfReturns the index of the first match of the str2 in str1 or -1 if str2 is nowhere to be found in str1.
  • isAlphaReturns "true" if the provided argument str is a string containing only letters.
  • isAlphaNumericReturns "true" if the provided argument str is a string containing only letters and digits.
  • isDigitReturns "true" if the provided argument str is a string containing only digits.
  • isLowerReturns "true" if the provided argument str is a string containing only lowercase letters.
  • isNumericReturns "true" if the provided argument str is actually a number.
  • isUpperReturns "true" if the provided argument str is a string containing only upper letters.
  • joinReturns the string obtained by concatenating all the strings from the array using the provided delimiter.
  • lastIndexOfReturns the index of the last match of the str2 in str1 or -1 if str2 is nowhere to be found in str1.
  • lengthReturns the length of the provided string, 0 if the string is null or has no chars.
  • matchEndReturns the position where the match ends or -1 if it doesn't match.
  • matchesReturns "true" if character expression string matches the regular expression regex.
  • matchReplaceUses a regex expression to find and replace text within a string.
  • matchStartReturns the position where the match starts or -1 if it doesn't match.
  • matchTextReturns the text matched or empty string if it doesn't match.
  • replaceReplaces the search_str string with replacement_str in str and returns the resulting string. The string str is not modified.
  • splitReturns the array of strings computed by splitting this string around matches of the given regular expression.
  • startsWithReturns "true" if str1 starts with str2.
  • substringReturns substring is starting at index start and stop at index stop.
  • toLowerReturns the string only with lower case letters.
  • toUpperReturns the string only with upper case letters.
  • trimReturns a trimmed copy of the string passed as parameter with the leading and trailing whitespaces removed.
  • urlDecodeDecodes text from URL format. This is useful when parsing a URL address used by a REST command.
  • urlEncodeEncodes text in URL format. This is useful when constructing a URL address used by a REST command.

See also