HTTP routines

HTTP routines

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This section contains routines that help you unleash the integration opportunities and basically achieve anything that Jira REST API allows even if you don't have a particular routine.

Choose and click to integrate external systems in minutes — Salesforce, Telcom systems, Zendesk, Bitbucket, Bamboo, Confluence, and so on! You’ve got lots of options - keep two Jira instances in sync, create a Confluence page based on an event in Jira, sync data between Jira and Salesforce, etc. The sky’s the limit. 

Writing scripts that require authentication was a tricky thing in the past. We’ve modernize these tools to simplify the process for you — header, cookie...etc. Go see for yourself. 

Before, people struggled with character limit in the responses. Now, there’s no limitations in gathering all the data you need, and no data loss.

Routines summary

  • fromJsonConverts the given JSON string into a SIL™ type (can be a primitive, array or struct).
  • httpBasicAuthHeaderCreates an HttpHeader object to be used as Authorization header for a Basic authentication of a user.
  • httpCreateCookieCreates an HttpCookie object.
  • httpCreateHeaderCreates an HttpHeader object.
  • httpCreateParameterCreates an HttpQueryParam object.
  • httpDeleteExecutes an HTTP DELETE for a given URL using the specified HttpRequest object. The needed parameters can either be included in the initial url or they can be created using the httpCreateParameter routine and added to the HttpRequest parameter.
  • httpGetExecutes an HTTP GET for the given URL using the specified HttpRequest object. The needed parameters can either be included in the initial url or they can be created using the httpCreateParameter routine and added to the HttpRequest parameter.
  • httpGetCookieRetrieves the value of the specified cookie (if existing) from the latest HTTP response.
  • httpGetErrorMessageRetrieves an error message (if any) generated by the latest HTTP request
  • httpGetHeaderRetrieves the value of the specified header (if existing) from the latest HTTP response.
  • httpGetReasonPhraseRetrieves the HTTP reason phrase of the latest HTTP response. For instance, "OK", "Not Found", "Unsupported Media Type", and so on.
  • httpGetStatusCodeRetrieves the HTTP status code of the latest HTTP response.
  • httpOptionsExecutes an HTTP OPTIONS for the given URL using the specified HttpRequest object. Returns the message body of the response converted to the requested left operand type (if any).
  • httpPatchExecutes an HTTP PATCH for the given URL using the specified HttpRequest object. The data used for the PATCH can be either included in the request object (as name-value parameters) or it can be added as a separate parameter (in the case of JSON, struct and so on). Requests can also be sent through a proxy.
  • httpPostExecutes an HTTP POST for the given URL using the specified HttpRequest object. The posted data can be either included in the request object (as name-value parameters) or it can be added as a separate parameter (in the case of JSON, struct etc).
  • httpPutExecutes an HTTP PUT for the given URL using the specified HttpRequest object. The data used for the PUT can be either included in the request object (as name-value parameters) or it can be added as a separate parameter (in the case of JSON, struct etc).
  • toJsonConverts any given struct, array or primitive parameter to a JSON string.