Export Gadgets to CSV, XLSX and PNG

Export Gadgets to CSV, XLSX and PNG


The data displayed in the gadgets can be used outside Dashboard Hub to create reports, to process with your corporate business intelligence tools (BI tools), to be integrated with other services, to present in external audits for compliance with regulations, for safekeeping in timeless snapshots… Thus, most of our gadgets (see section Gadgets-that-allow-exporting-data) allow the export to CSV and XLSX, and all of them to PNG.

When you hover a gadget a download icon appears with three options: Export to CSV, Export to XLSX and Export to PNG.

This functionality is also available for users that access to a externally shared dashboard (see Learn about Public or External Sharing).

Exporting Datasources: Bitbucket, Jira Service Management…

It doesn’t really matter the source of the data, either from Bitbucket (see How to Export Data from Bitbucket to CSV or XLSX), Jira Service Management or any other product.

Formats: CSV, XLSX and PNG

CSV means comma-separated values, so the generated format is a file where the content is delimited by comma separated values, and a data record per line.

"","Time to resolution","","Time to first response","","Workload" "Agent","Avg. Time (hrs)","SLA Met (%)","Avg. Time (hrs)","SLA Met (%)","Tickets/Total" "Francisco Javier Coira","0","100","0","100","0/11" "Gorka Puente","364","50","136.33","57","8/11" "Iñigo Gonzalez","0","0","0","0","1/11"

XLSX is Microsoft Open XML format, used for spreadsheets. This format is widely accepted by all the spreadsheet products like Open Office, LibreOffice, Google Sheets, etc.

PNG Portable Network Graphics is a graphics format that supports lossless data compression (a W3C recommendation).

Gadgets that allow exporting data

If you don’t find a gadget your team needs, contact us through any of our channels in Support.

See also

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