Learn about Enterprise-Ready Features
Unlimited horizontal Scalability
To cope with the needs of large enterprise, our dashboards allow the connection to several different external instances in a single dashboard. In other words, you can display information from several Jira/Confluence/Bitbucket/monday.com instances at the same time, just by adding a datasource for each of those instances. You can stop worrying about how many instances are added.
Did you know that Atlassian multiples every year the user limits on their Cloud products? but there are still limits which are overcome thanks to their unlimited horizontal scale to Cloud Enterprise clients.
Hybrid dashboards
Ease your migration journey with Hybrid Dashboards! Display data from Server, Data Center and/or Cloud instances equally. This is, you can combine and centralize data from any type of hosting in our dashboards.
Check out the Hybrid Dashboards page to learn more.
Advanced Permissions in Dashboards
Advanced Permissions. Grant access to certain people within your organization in a granular way:
Anyone can view and edit: Anyone in your Jira or Confluence instance is able to access the dashboard content.
Anyone can view, some can edit: Anyone in your Jira or Confluence instance is able to view the dashboard content, but only some users/groups can edit it.
Only specific people can view or edit: Only selected users/groups in your Jira or Confluence instance are able to view and/or edit the dashboard content.
Enhance focus and security by restricting access, only allowing viewing and editing to the required people.
Learn more about the Advanced Permissions in Dashboards.
Global Access Restrictions
To avoid the usage of the app among some users and groups, admins can restrict the access to the product i.e., choose which user(s) and group(s) will be able to access to the app functionality.