Manage Global Access Restrictions


Restrict access to indicate what users and groups can do with the app.

Admin configuration - global settings

Navigate to the global settings, to the Dashboard Hub section:



Restrict Access in the Customer Portal

Admins can restrict access to reporting dashboards for users of Jira Service Management Customer Portals. For more details, read the dedicated page: .

Restrict Global Access

When “Restrict Global Access” is enabled, only selected user(s) and group(s) will be able to access to the app. Thus, the rest of the users won’t be able to create, edit or remove dashboards i.e., no access to the interface of Dashboard Hub.

Remember that the visibility of each dashboard is configured at dashboard level (see ).

Important note: If a user is accessing a public link, restrictions are not checked. It doesn’t matter if that user is logged in (see how public links work ).

Restrict Public links

When “Restrict Global Access” is enabled, only selected user(s) and group(s) will be able to create public links for external sharing of dashboards. Remember that public links enable external, anonymous access, what allow individuals without access to your instance to view the content shared via these links. Read more about public links here.

See also


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