Confluence Special Features


Dashboard Hub for Confluence has some differences with Dashboard Hub Pro: i) Filter Rules to display different dashboards to users and groups, and ii) Macros to insert your charts and metrics in Confluence pages.

Filter Rules: Display Dashboards by User or Group

You can define rules to filter which dashboard is shown to either all users or a specific set of users and/or groups. These rules allow you to replace the Confluence native dashboard with a custom one defined on a wiki page or by one of the dashboards created in Dashboard Hub.

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Confluence Macros

A macro for Confluence that lets you insert a whole dashboard or an individual chart in your pages, so your reports look better than ever. The Dashboard Hub dashboard macro adds reporting capabilities to your Confluence pages by:

  • Inserting any existing dashboard

  • Allowing the creation of a new dashboard

  • Enjoying the integration of metrics from several products: Confluence, Jira Work Management, Jira Software, Jira Service Management, Insight, Bitbucket, Opsgenie, StatusPage, Projectrak (by DEISER)…

  • Displaying animated slideshows

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See also


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