Standard JIRA fields

Standard JIRA fields

This page explains how to access the value of Standard Jira fields using Groovy. You can access them using getters of the Issue interface. To understand how to write values into the writable Standard Jira fields see Raw value/text input for fields and Groovy expression input for fields.

In this page:

Affects Version/s

  • Field Name: Affects Version/s

  • Field ID: versions

  • Description: The Affects Version/s field is a collection of version objects. Each object represents a single version.

  • Accessing the Affects Version/s field: You can access the Affects Version/s field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:


  • Field name: Assignee

  • Field ID: assignee

  • Description: The Assignee field is an object that represents the user who this issue is assigned to.

  • Accessing the Assignee field: You can access the Assigneefield using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:


  • Field name: Attachments

  • Field ID: attachment

  • Description: Attachment is a collection of objects. Each object represents a single attachment.

  • Accessing the Attachments field: You can access the Attachments field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:

    • get("attachment") or get("Attachments") that returns a Collection<Attachment>
      • Example: Size of the last attachment added to the issue:

    • getAsString("Attachments") or getAsString("attachment") that returns the comma-separated names of the attachments:

      • Example: Names of the attachments


    • getAttachments() that returns a Collection<Attachment>

      • Example: Name of the Author of the first attachment:

        if(issue.getAttachments() && issue.getAttachments().size() > 0)


  • Field name: Comment

  • Field ID: comment

  • Description: The Comments field is a collection of objects. Each object represents one comment.
  • Accessing the Comments field: You can access the Comments field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:
    • get("comment") or get("Comments") that returns a List<Comment>
      • Example: Number of comments on the issue:

      • Example: Last Comment body:

      • Example: Name of the author of the first comment on the issue:

    • getAsString("Comments") or getAsString("comment") that returns a String with comma separated bodies of the comments:
      • Example: All the comments on the issue separated by a comma:




  • Field name: Created

  • Field ID: created

  • Description: The Created field is a Timestamp that represents the date-time of issue creation.

  • Accessing the Created field: You can access the Created field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:

To manipulate the date see here


  • Field name: Creator

  • Field ID: creator

  • Description: The Creator field is an object that represents the user who created this issue.

  • Accessing the Creator field: You can access the Creator field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:


  • Field name: Description

  • Field ID: description

  • Description: The Description field is a string representation of a multi-line text describing the issue.

  • Accessing the Description fieldYou can access the Description field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:

Due Date

  • Field name: Due Date

  • Field ID: duedate

  • Description: The Due Date field is Timestamp representing the due date of the issue.

  • Accessing the Due date field: You can access the Due date field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:


  • Field name: Environment

  • Field ID: environment

  • Description: The Environment field is a string representation of a multi-line text describing the environment of the issue.

  • Accessing the Environment fieldYou can access the Environment field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:


  • Field name: Epic

  • Field ID: none

  • Description: Represents the issue's in the current Epic.

  • Accessing the Epic of an issue: You can access the Epic of an issue using the getEpic() that returns an Issue

    • Example: Get the Epic of the current issue

    • Example: Get the status of the current issue's Epic

    • Example: Get the priority of the current issue's Epic



  • Field name: Fix Version/s

  • Field ID: fixVersions
  • Description: The Fix Version/s field is a collection of objects. Each object represents a single version.

  • Accessing the Fix Version/s fieldYou can access the Fix Version/s field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:
      • Example: Join the names of the Fix Version/s, separated by commas:



  • Field name: ID

  • Field ID: none

  • Description: The ID of the issue.

  • Accessing the ID of an issue: You can access the ID of the issue using getId() that returns ID of the issue in a Long format.

    • Example: ID of the issue


  • Field name: Issue Links

  • Field ID: issuelinks

  • Description: Issue links is a list of objects. Each object represents one issue link.

  • Accessing the Issue links fieldYou can access the Issue links field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:

    • get("issuelinks") or get("Linked Issues") that returns a List<IssueLink>
      • Example: Get the issue links of the current issue

    • getInwardIssueLinks() that returns a List<IssueLink>
      • Example: Number of inward linked issues for the current issue


    • getOutwardIssueLinks() that returns a List<IssueLink>
      • Example: Destination issue of the first issue link to the current issue


    • getLinkedIssues(String linkName) that returns a List<Issue>
      • Example: Get the issues linked to the current issue with the 'blocks' link type

      • Example: Get the status of all issues linked to the current issue with the 'is blocked by' link type

        Status = []
        issue.getLinkedIssues('is blocked by').each{
          Status += it.getStatus().getName()
        return Status

Issue type

  • Field name: Issue Type

  • Field ID: issuetype

  • Description: The Issue Type field is an object describing the issue type.

  • Accessing the Issue type field: You can access the Issue type field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:


  • Field name: Key

  • Field ID: issuekey

  • Description: The Key is a string that represents the key of the issue.

  • Accessing the Key of the issueYou can access the Key of the issue using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:


  • Field name: Labels

  • Field ID: labels

  • Description: Labels is a Set of labels.

  • Accessing the Labels field: You can access the Labels field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:
    • getAsString("Labels") or getAsString("labels") that returns a String with comma separated label names:

      • Examples: Labels of the issue


    • getLabels() that returns a Set<Label>

      • Example: Get the last label of the issue

      • Example: All the labels of the issue separated by a comma:


Last Viewed

  • Field Name: Last Viewed

  • Field ID: lastViewed

  • Description: The Last Viewed field is a string representation of a date-timestamp.

  • Accessing the Last Viewed field: You can access the Last Viewed field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:

To manipulate the date see here

Original Estimate

  • Field name: Original Estimate

  • Field ID: timeoriginalestimate

  • Description: The Original Estimate field is a duration string representing the original time estimate.

  • Accessing the Original Estimate fieldYou can access the Original Estimate field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:


  • Field name: Parent

  • Field ID: none

  • Description: Represents the parent of an issue. This applies only to sub-tasks.

  • Accessing the parent issue of an issue: You can access the parent of an issue using the getParentObject() that returns an Issue

    • Example: Get the username of the user to whom the current issue's parent is assigned:

    • Example: Get the status of the current issue's parent issue



  • Field name: Priority

  • Field ID: priority

  • Description: The Priority field is an object describing the priority of the issue.

  • Accessing the Priority fieldYou can access the Priority field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:


  • Field name: Progress

  • Field ID: progress

  • Description: The Progress field is a field describing the progress on the issue.

  • Accessing the Progress fieldYou can access the Progress field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:


  • Field name: Project

  • Field ID: project

  • Description: The Project field is an object describing the selected project.

  • Accessing the Project fieldYou can access the Project field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:

Remaining Estimate

  • Field name: Remaining Estimate

  • Field ID: timeestimate

  • Description: The Remaining Estimate field is a number or a duration string representing the remaining time estimate in seconds.

  • Accessing the Remaining Estimate fieldYou can access the Remaining Estimate field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:


  • Field name: Reporter

  • Field ID: reporter

  • Description: The Reporter field is an object that represents the user by whom the issue is reported.

  • Accessing the Reporter fieldYou can access the Reporter field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:


  • Field name: Resolution

  • Field ID: reporter

  • Description: The Resolution field is an object describing the resolution of the issue.

  • Accessing the Resolution fieldYou can access the Resolution field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:


To manipulate the date see here

Security Level

  • Field name: Security Level

  • Field ID: security

  • Description: The Security level field is an object describing the security level of the issue.

  • Accessing the Security level fieldYou can access the Security level field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:


  • Field name: Status

  • Field ID: status

  • Description: The Status field is an object describing the status of the issue.

  • Accessing the Status fieldYou can access the Status field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:


  • Field name: Stories

  • Field ID: none

  • Description: Represents the issues in the current Epic.

  • Accessing the issues in an Epic: You can access the issues in an Epic using the getStories() that returns a List<Issue>

    • Example: Get the issues of an Epic that are in Closed status:

      def stories = issue.getStories().findAll{
        it.get("status").getName() == "Closed"
      return stories
    • Example: Get the number of issues in the current Epic



  • Field name: Sub-Tasks

  • Field ID: subtasks

  • DescriptionRepresents the subtasks of the current issue.

  • Accessing the Subtasks field: You can access the Subtasks field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:


  • Field name: Summary

  • Field ID: summary

  • Description: The Summary field is a string representation of a single-line text describing the summary of the issue.

  • Accessing the Summary field: You can access the Summary field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:

Time Spent

  • Field name: Time Spent

  • Field ID: timespent

  • Description: The Time spent field is a number representing the time spent on the issue in seconds.

  • Accessing the Time spent fieldYou can access the Time spent using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:


  • Field name: Updated

  • Field ID: updated

  • Description: The Updated field is a Timestamp representing the issue updated date-time.

  • Accessing the Updated fieldYou can access the Updated field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:

To manipulate the date see here


  • Field name: Votes

  • Field ID: votes

  • Description: The Votes field is a collection of users who voted for issue.

  • Accessing the VotesYou can access the Votes field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:


  • Field name: Watchers

  • Field ID: watches

  • Description: The Watchers field is a collection of users watching the issue.

  • Accessing the Watchers field: You can access the Watchers field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:

Work log

  • Field name: Log Work

  • Field ID: worklog

  • Description: The Work log field is a list of worklogs logged on the issue.

  • Accessing the Worklog: You can access the Log Work field using the get("worklog") or get("Log Work") that returns a List<Worklog>

    • Example: Time spent on the last work logged

      if(issue.get("Log Work"))
        issue.get("Log Work").last().getTimeSpent()

Work Ratio

  • Field name: Work Ratio

  • Key: workratio

  • Description: The Work Ratio field is a number representing the ratio of work done on the issue.

  • Accessing the Work Ratio fieldYou can access the Work ratio field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:

∑ Original Estimate

  • Field name: Σ Original Estimate

  • Field ID: aggregatetimeoriginalestimate

  • Description: The aggregate original estimate field is a number representing the total original estimate of the issue and its sub-tasks if the issue has any.

  • Accessing the ∑ Original Estimate fieldYou can access the ∑ Original Estimate field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:

∑ Remaining Estimate

  • Field name: Σ Remaining Estimate

  • Field ID: aggregatetimeestimate

  • Description: The aggregate remaining Estimate field is a number representing the total remaining estimate of the issue and its sub-tasks if the issue has any.

  • Accessing the ∑ Remaining Estimate fieldYou can access the ∑ Remaining Estimate field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:

∑ Progress

  • Field name: Σ Progress

  • Field ID: aggregateprogress

  • Description: The Aggregate Progress field is an object describing the aggregate progress on the issue.

  • Accessing the ∑ Progress fieldYou can access the ∑ Progress field using any of the following getters of the Issue interface:

∑ Time Spent

  • Field name: Σ Time Spent

  • Field ID: aggregatetimespent

  • Description: The Aggregate time spent field is a number representing the total time spent on the issue and its sub-tasks if the issue has any.

  • Accessing the ∑ Time spent fieldYou can access the ∑ Time spent field using the

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