Conditions using JQL in JMWE
Conditions using JQL in JMWE
About JQL
About JQL in JMWE - using jqlSearch() function
Simple conditions:
- Issue type is a Bug
- Priority of the issue
- Checking the value of a multi-valued field
- Transition parent issue only when all the subtasks are in status “Done”
- Reporter is a member of a specific group - reporter in membersOf("")
Note: Not to use such expensive operations and instead use Groovy scripting
Complex conditions:
- The current issue is the only issue that is resolved
- "issuetype = "Test case" AND "Test Failed against browsers" is EMPTY" - Groovy condition
- Disallowing working on too many issues at the same time.
- Preventing users from reporting too many issues per day.
- Generate a report of all HIGH severity JIRA tickets for a project with key X (or name X) that were created from 9 PM EST to 12 AM EST from the start of the year?