Raw value/text input for fields

Raw value/text input for fields

This document lists the expected text/raw input value that should be provided to set Jira Standard and Custom fields. The easiest is to use the "Expected Value" tab of the Groovy editor help system. It lists the possible expected values for the selected Field and Value Type. This is applicable in contexts where you set a field value or comment an issue or write a conditional Groovy script. Select the Field and Value Type as Set field value to constant or Groovy template. Click on Expected Value. The help editor displays the expected text/Groovy templates values for the selected field.

You might also want to look at Standard fieldsPredefined custom fields, and User-created custom fields to know how to access the fields of an issue object.

On this page:

Standard Jira fields

 Field Name

Expected input value


Affects Version/s
  • Version name or id (id takes precedence over the name) should be provided
  • To set multiple values, you should provide version names or ids (id takes precedence over the name) separated by a comma.
  • 2.0
  • 10000
  • 2.0,3.0
  • 10020,V1

Any of the following user detail should be provided:

  • Username
  • Email address
  • Full name

It is recommended you use Username(s) because Email address(es) and Full name(s) are not unique in Jira.

  • Component name or id (id takes precedence over the name) should be provided
  • To set multiple values, you should provide component names or ids (id takes precedence over the name) separated by a comma.
  • C1
  • C1,C2
  • 10000
DescriptionAny simple single/multi-line text should be provided
  • Test
  • Testing of
    First project
    Second project
Due DateString representing a timestamp in the format specified in Jira system settings.
  • 11/Apr/17
EnvironmentAny simple single/multi-line text should be provided
  • QA Environment
Fix Version/s
  • Version name or id (id takes precedence over the name) should be provided
  • To set multiple values, you should provide version names or ids (id takes precedence over the name) separated by a comma
  • 2.0
  • 2.0,3.0
  • 10020
Issue type

Use with caution!

Changing the issue type should only be done if the current and new issue types share the same workflow, or if the issue's Status exists in both the current and new workflow. Otherwise, the operaton will fail.

Also, when changing the issue type of the current issue, make sure to move the post-function below the "Set issue status to the linked status of the destination workflow step" built-in post-function.

String representing the issue type name or id

  • Bug
  • 10020
  • String representing a label should be provided.
  • To set multiple labels, you should provide values separated by space.
  • NewLabel
  • Label1 Label2 Label3
Original EstimateNumber representing the estimate in seconds or a duration string should be provided.
  • 36000
  • 3w 2d
  • 2w 4d 5h 50m

Priority name or id (id takes precedence over the name) should be provided

  • High
  • 2
Remaining EstimateNumber representing the estimate in seconds or a duration string should be provided.
  • 36000
  • 3w 2d
  • 2w 4d 5h 50m

Any of the following user detail should be provided:

  • Username
  • Email address
  • Full name

It is recommended you use Username(s) because Email address(es) and Full name(s) are not unique in Jira.

ResolutionResolution name or ID (id takes precedence over the name) should be provided
  • Won't Do
  • 11212
Security levelSecurity level name or id (id takes precedence over the name) should be provided
  • QA1
  • 10001

Use with caution!

Changing the Status of an issue is normally done only through an issue transition. Changing the Status field value directly will not validate potentially required fields (such as the Resolution field), and will leave no trace in the issue history. This should be used only in specific cases.

Also, when changing the Status of the current issue, make sure to move the post-function below the "Set issue status to the linked status of the destination workflow step" built-in post-function.

Finally, the Status field cannot be set during a Create transition.

String representing the status name or status id

  • Open
  • 10020

SummaryAny simple single/multi-line text should be provided
  • This is the summary of the issue
Time SpentNumber representing the time spent in seconds or a duration string should be provided.
  • 36000
  • 3w 2d
  • 2w 4d 5h 50m
  • Any of the following user detail should be provided:

    • Username
    • Email address
    • Full name
  • To set multiple values, you can provide a combination of user details (as mentioned above) separated by a comma.

It is recommended you use Username(s) because Email address(es) and Full name(s) are not unique in Jira.

  • Any of the following user detail should be provided:

    • Username
    • Email address
    • Full name
  • To set multiple values, you can provide a combination of user details (as mentioned above) separated by a comma.

It is recommended you use Username(s) because Email address(es) and Full name(s) are not unique in Jira.

Pre-defined custom fields

Capture for JIRA fields

 Field Name

Expected input value


All Capture for JIRA fieldsAny simple single/multi-line text should be provided

All the Capture for JIRA fields expect a text value.

Raised duringSession ID should be provided. The session ID can be obtained from the URL when you view the session.


Jira Software fields

 Field Name

Expected input value


Epic ColorAny simple single/multi-line text should be provided


Epic LinkIssue KEY of an Epic should be provided
  • TEST-300
  • TP-33
Epic NameAny simple single/multi-line text should be provided

Creation of a new issue

Epic StatusStatus value should be provided
  • To Do
  • Done
SprintString representing the ID of the sprint should be provided.


Story pointsString representing the number of story points should be provided


Jira Service Desk fields

 Field Name

Expected input value


  • Any of the following user detail should be provided:

    • Username
    • Email address
    • Full name
  • To set multiple values, you can provide a combination of user details (as mentioned above) separated by a comma.

It is recommended you use Username(s) because Email address(es) and Full name(s) are not unique in Jira.

Customer Request Type
  • Customer Request Type name or internal ID
  • IT help
  • sd/desktoplaptopsupport
  • Organization name ID should be provided.
  • To set multiple values, you should provide the Organization names or IDs separated by a comma.
  • Org1
  • Org1,Org2
  • 1
  • 1,33
Request Participants
  • Any of the following user detail should be provided:

    • Username
    • Email address
    • Full name
  • To set multiple values, you can provide a combination of user details (as mentioned above) separated by a comma.

It is recommended you use Username(s) because Email address(es) and Full name(s) are not unique in Jira.

Portfolio for Jira fields

 Field Name

Expected input value


Parent Link

Issue KEY of an Initiative should be provided. 

Note: You can use this field to create a link (Jira Portfolio Parent Link) from Epic to Initiative


Tempo fields

 Field Name

Expected input value



The Account Id, key, or name should be provided. Key is preferred

  • 23
  • Account 1


Team ID should be provided. The Team ID can be obtained from the URL when you view or edit the team.
  • 2
  • 3

User-created custom fields

The value expected by custom fields depends on the Custom Field Type:

Select list type

Custom field type

Expected input value


Checkboxes/Select List (multiple choices)
  • Option id or value (value takes precedence over the id) should be provided. The option id can be obtained from the URL when you edit the option.
  • To set multiple options, you should provide option values or ids (value takes precedence over the id) separated by a comma.
  • 10000

  • Option1, Option2
  • 10000,10002
Radio Buttons/Select List (single choice)Option id or value (value takes precedence over the id) should be provided. The option id can be obtained from the URL when you edit the option.
  • 10003
  • Option2
Select List (cascading)
  • Cascading parent value or id should be provided
  • Cascading parent value or id and child option value or id should be provided in <parent value> - <child option> format.
  • 2
  • 2 - 2.1
  • 10202
  • 10202 - 10301
Multi-level cascading select list
  • A comma-separated list of option values, from parent to child
  • A comma-separated list of option IDs, from parent to child
  • Parent 1,Child A,Child b
  • 10010,10011,10100

Group picker

Custom field type

Expected input value


Group Picker (single group)Group name should be provided
  • jira-administrators
Group Picker (multiple groups)
  • Group name should be provided
  • To set multiple values, you should provide group names separated by a comma.
  • jira-administrators,jira-software-users

User picker

Custom field type

Expected input value


User Picker (multiple users)
  • Any of the following user detail should be provided:

    • Username
    • Email address
    • Full name
  • To set multiple values, you can provide a combination of user details (as mentioned above) separated by a comma.

It is recommended you use Username(s) because Email address(es) and Full name(s) are not unique in Jira.

User Picker (single user)

Any of the following user detail should be provided:

  • Username
  • Email address
  • Full name

It is recommended you use Username(s) because Email address(es) and Full name(s) are not unique in Jira.

Version picker

Custom field type

Expected input value


Version Picker (single version)
  • Version id or name (id takes precedence over the name) should be provided
  • 10020
  • 2.0
Version Picker (multiple versions)
  • Version id or name (id takes precedence over the name) should be provided
  • To set multiple values, you should provide version ids or names (id takes precedence over the name) separated by a comma.
  • 10020
  • 2.0
  • 10020,10010
  • 1.0,2.0


Custom field type

Expected input value


Text Field (single line)Any simple single/multi-line text should be provided
  • This is a text line
Text Field (multi-line)Any simple single/multi-line text should be provided
  • First line
    Second line

Date/Time picker

Custom field type

Expected input value


Date Picker

String representing a timestamp in the format specified in Jira system settings

  • 23/Dec/16
Date Time Picker

String representing a timestamp in the format specified in Jira system settings

  • 23/Dec/16 2:00 AM

Watchers Field type

Custom field type

Expected input value


Watchers field
  • Any of the following user detail should be provided:

    • Username
    • Email address
    • Full name
  • To set multiple values, you can provide a combination of user details (as mentioned above) separated by a comma.

It is recommended you use Username(s) because Email address(es) and Full name(s) are not unique in Jira.


Custom field type

Expected input value


Project Picker (single project)Project id or name or key should be provided
  • 10000
  • TEST
  • Test
  • String representing a label should be provided.
  • To set multiple labels, you should provide values separated by space.
  • NewLabel
  • Label1 Label2 Label3
URL FieldAny simple text of URL format should be provided
Number FieldNumber should be provided
  • 33
  • 0.5