Update Linked Issue Field Value With Current Issue Post Function

Update Linked Issue Field Value With Current Issue Post Function

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The "Update Linked Issue Field Value With Current Issue" post function allows you to automatically update the field value of linked issues with the value from the current issue. This can be a useful feature for streamlining and automating your Jira workflows. This documentation will guide you through the process of adding and configuring this post function in your Jira instance.

To add the Update Linked Issue Field Value With Current Issue post function, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Jira cog icon > Issues > Workflows.

  2. After finding the workflow that you want to modify, click the three-dots icon next to it and click Edit.

  3. Navigate to the transition of your workflow.

  4. Switch to the Post Functions tab.

  5. Click the Add post function link.

  6. In the list of available post functions, select JEP - Update Linked Issue Field Value With Current Issue and then click the Add button.

  7. Now you need to configure the function. The following parameters are available for configuration:

    • Field: This is the field in the linked issue(s) that you want to update with the value from the current issue. The available fields in this dropdown menu will be based on the fields in your Jira instance.

    • Link Type: This parameter allows you to specify the type of issue link that connects the current issue with the linked issue(s). Issue links are used to establish relationships between different issues in Jira. For instance, if the current issue is a "Blocker" for the linked issue(s), you would select "Blocks" from the list. The available link types include:

      • Blocks

      • Cloners

      • Duplicate

      • Post-Incident Reviews

      • Problem/Incident

      • Relates

    • Link Direction: This parameter allows you to specify the direction of the link type you've chosen. In Jira, issue links can be either "Inward" or "Outward," depending on how the issues are related. For example, if the link type is "Blocks," and the linked issue(s) are being blocked by the current issue, you would typically choose "Outward" because the link is going from the current issue (outward) to the linked issue(s).

      • Inward

      • Outward

  8. Click Add, and you’ll be redirected to the Post Functions list.

  9. Don’t forget to click Publish Draft to publish the workflow and save your changes.