Link Matrix to Multiple Projects

Link Matrix to Multiple Projects

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Link one matrix to multiple projects

Linking one issue matrix to several projects allows you to avoid creating the same configuration in each project. This powerful feature also eliminates the need to apply any updates to the configuration in each project every time.

This way, you have a centralized way of transforming the issue views of many projects at once. Project linking also lets you have a single place to manage and track Issue Matrix configuration options for several projects.

Matrix configuration and panel in all linked projects

After linking a matrix configuration to several projects, it will be visible in the project settings of all linked projects in Jira Cloud. As a result, the Issue Matrix panel will appear in issues of the linked projects according to the configuration options set.

See the How it works section below for more details on the configuration options.

How it works

To activate project linking, you can create a new Issue Matrix configuration or edit an existing configuration in one of the projects you’re managing. For details on the creation process, see the Create Issue Matrices articles.

In the Add Matrix/Edit Matrix page’s Context section, there is a sub-section called Linked Projects, and you can list the projects you want to link to the current matrix there.

When creating a matrix, it is initially linked to the current project. After that, it is up to you to decide if you want to leave it like that or need to share the configuration with other projects.

Changes affect all linked projects

It’s important to note that if you change an Issue Matrix configuration linked to multiple projects, the changes will be propagated to all projects.

The matrix configuration will be changed for all linked projects. As a result, this may cause changes in the matrix panels shown in the linked projects depending on the changes introduced.

To link an Issue Matrix configuration to several projects:

  1. On your Jira Cloud instance, navigate your Project settings or Project settings > Apps for team-managed projects.

  2. Edit a matrix configuration of your choice or create a new one (for example, create a Sub-task Matrix).

  3. In the Add Matrix or Edit Matrix page, navigate to the Context section. You’ll see the current project’s key in the Projects to link dropdown in the Linked Projects section.

  4. Choose more projects from this dropdown, and on save, they’ll all be linked to and use the same configuration. Projects are listed by their keys in the Projects to link field and dropdown.

  5. For Sub-task, JQL and Issue Links matrices, in the Context > Issue Types section, you can choose issue types from all linked projects where the Issue Matrix panel will be shown.

  6. For Sub-task and Epic matrices, you can choose issue types from each project in the Type section. A linked project’s matrix panel will contain only the selected issue types associated with the given project.

  7. Set the rest of the options according to the Create Issue Matrices articles.

  8. Save the configuration.

Linked matrices are marked with the multi-project label in the Issue Matrices list.

Selecting issue types in Context and Type sections

  1. Context > Issue Types. This section is available in Sub-task, JQL, and Issue Links matrices.
    A linked project’s matrix panel will be visualized only on issue types associated with the given project in the Jira Cloud site selected in the configuration.

  2. Type > Issue Types. This section is available in Sub-task and Epic matrices.
    A linked project’s matrix panel will display only the issue types associated with the given project selected in the configuration.

Restricted, deleted & unlinked projects

Restricted projects

A project admin won’t be able to edit a matrix configuration when project edit permission is missing in any of the linked project. All configuration options are disabled in this case, and there is a message with the title Restricted linked project on the Edit Matrix page.

It informs the project admin about the problem and suggests contacting an administrator either with Administer Jira global permission or with Administer Projects permission in all linked projects to update this Issue Matrix configuration.

Make a local copy

The project admin here can make a copy of such configuration in the current project’s settings and either keep or remove the link between the current project and the original matrix.

We also detect missing browse permission for a restricted linked project. If this is the case, there is a 'Restricted project' placeholder in the Linked Projects section.

Deleted projects

If one of the linked projects has been deleted from Jira Cloud and you open the matrix configuration, you’ll see a message with the title Deleted linked project. It will inform you that a linked project has been deleted and its key has been replaced with the 'Deleted project' placeholder in the Linked projects section.

The suggested action, in this case, is to save the configuration to remove the deleted project from the configuration.

Unlinked projects

Another admin who doesn't have project edit permission for all linked projects can use the Make a local copy>Copy and remove link option. In this case, the project name will be replaced with the 'Missing project' placeholder in the Linked Projects section.

Additionally, the matrix will show a message with the title Link to project removed.

The suggested action, in this case, is to save the configuration to remove the link to the project from the configuration.

Combinations of restricted, deleted, or unlinked projects

You can hit combinations of the issues described above in a single matrix configuration. In these cases, you’ll see a single message with details of the detected issues and suggested actions.

Tips & Tricks


You need to have either the Administer Jira global permission or Administer Projects permission in all linked projects to be able to update multi-project matrix configurations.

Link by project key

You can find a project in the dropdown by its key in the Projects to link section. The projects are always represented by their keys in the Linked Projects section.

Search issue types by project name

In the Context > Issue Types and Type sections of the matrix configuration, you can search for an issue type associated with a project by typing the project name in the More Issue Types/More Sub-task Issue Types dropdown.

Delete or unlink multi-project matrices

Multi-project matrices can’t be deleted from the Issue Matrices list. You can delete such Issue Matrix only from the Edit Matrix page’s Delete button next to the Save and Cancel buttons. Delete action will remove the matrix from all projects.

If you want to unlink a matrix configuration from a project, you can remove the desired projects from the Linked Projects section and then save the configuration.

Enable or disable multi-project matrices

You can't enable or disable multi-project configurations from the Issue Matrices page. You can perform these actions on the Edit Matrix page only.


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