Differences between Issue Matrix Server and Cloud

On this page:


Issue Matrix Server/Data Center users moving to Jira Cloud will need to migrate to our corresponding cloud app, Issue Matrix for Jira Cloud.

This page compares the features of the Server and Cloud apps.

Configuration Differences

One of the most significant differences between Issue Matrix Server and Cloud is the concept of its configuration - how you create and set up Issue Matrix panels.

In Issue Matrix Server/DC, the configuration is done via custom fields. You need to create an Issue Matrix custom field, which you configure, and it appears as a panel in your team’s Jira issues.

In Issue Matrix for Jira Cloud, however, the configuration is managed via panels in the project settings. You can link one matrix configuration to many projects. This means you don't need to manually create matrix configurations in all desired projects.

Need more help learning about the differences between Issue Matrix Server/Data Center and Issue Matrix for Jira Cloud? Contact our support team for assistance. 

Feature Parity

The table below lists comparison between the features of Issue Matrix Server/DC and Issue Matrix Cloud.


Not yet supported


Issue Matrix for Jira

Server/Data Center

Issue Matrix for Jira Cloud


Issue Matrix for Jira

Server/Data Center

Issue Matrix for Jira Cloud




Via Custom Fields

Create Issue Matrix custom fields

Via Project Panels

Create Issue Matrix panels

One Issue Matrix can be linked to multiple projects. Learn more



Issue Matrix Modes/Types



Sub-task Matrix

Create Sub-task type/mode Issue Matrices



Issue Links Matrix

Create Issue Links type/mode Issue Matrices



Epic Matrix

Create Epic type/mode Issue Matrices



JQL Matrix

Create JQL type/mode Issue Matrices



Similar Matrix

Create Similar type/mode Issue Matrices. Learn more



Filter Matrix

Create Filter type/mode Issue Matrices



You can achieve this mode via the JQL mode and query

filter = {FILTER_ID}
where FILTER_ID is the id of the desired filter.

JQL Extensions

Extension to JQL that can be used in the JQL mode/type




Features related to the data shown in the Issue Matrix



Issue Types

Choose issue types

Column Selection

Add custom fields from your Jira as columns in the Issue Matrix

Filter JQL

Entering a JQL query to filter further which issues will be displayed in the Issue Matrix



Default Order

Specify criteria for a default order of the issues in the Issue Matrix

Inline Edit

Edit issues right on the spot in the Issue Matrix table/panel




Visualization options for the Issue Matrix and the standard Jira panels




Choose the number of issues initially visible in the Issue Matrix table/panel


The Results feature is called Issues in Issue Matrix Server/DC.


Issue Categorization

Create categories of issues/issue links that will be displayed in Issue Matrix



Jira Panels

Hide/show default Jira panels

Due to a current limitation in Jira Cloud. Please check and vote forhttps://ecosystem.atlassian.net/browse/ACJIRA-2220


Actions that can be used in the Issue Matrix panel



Create and Link action



Sort issues on the fly in the Issue Matrix panel


Configuring the locations in Jira to show the Issue Matrix


Allows you to view how the Issue Matrix table will look like in a target issue



Visualization in Confluence

Using the issueMatrixConceptJQL function

Insight fields



Support for Insight custom fields


Show Empty Matrix option

In Issue Matrix for Jira Server there is an option to show Issue Matrix panels when they’re empty. Whereas in Issue Matrix for Jira Cloud, the panels are always shown even when they’re empty.