Sub-Tasks Mode

Sub-Tasks Mode


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In Sub-Tasks mode, the Issue Matrix panel will contain only the Sub-Tasks of the current issue.

The different configuration options in Sub-tasks mode are organized into the following groups:

  • Data

  • Display

  • Locations


Sub-Task Types

In this section, you can specify tasks of which sub-task types to be shown.

If no sub-task issue types are chosen, all sub-tasks will be shown.

Column Selection

Any field (including custom fields) which is supported by the Issue Navigator can be added to the list of columns that will be visualized in the Issue Matrix panel. The field value visualized in the Issue Matrix will be the same as in the Issue Navigator.

Adding a progress bar

If you want to have a progress bar in your matrix, you should add the Σ Progress field as a column. If you don't see it in the field selector, you will need to enable time tracking for your Jira instance first. To do that, go to Settings > Issues > Time tracking and click the “Activate” button.

You can specify the width of the columns you add to the Issue Matrix table. See the Customizable Column Width page for more information.

Customizable Column Header (since v2.8.0): You can specify the header of each column you add to the Issue Matrix table. If you would like to have column headers adapted to your use cases, set the headers when you configure the Issue Matrix columns. When you choose a field from the list to be added as a column to the Issue Matrix table, the column header is set by default to the custom field's name. If you want to revert to the default header of a column, just delete the contents in the Header column of the configuration.

Filter JQL (since v2.0.0)

Use this additional JQL to filter further the sub-tasks which will be shown in the Issue Matrix panel. You can also use the Issue Matrix JQL Extension. This filter will be executed only over the set of issues that would normally be shown in the Issue Matrix panel - no additional issues will be shown. For example, if you have the JQL "resolution = unresolved", the Issue Matrix panel will show only the unresolved sub-tasks of the current issue. If the JQL is invalid, it is ignored, and no additional filtering is applied.

Sort By Selection (since v1.6)

The setting in this section controls the sort order of the sub-tasks shown in the Issue Matrix panel. The order of the issues could be Ascending or Descending based on the values of the selected field.

Multiple sort fields can be added - sorting will be done according to their priority.

The method used is the same used in Jira - Lucene, and only the sortable fields are present as choices.


The display options control how the Issue Matrix table will be visualized. Additionally, the default Sub-Task panel can be hidden to avoid showing the same sub-tasks twice.

Table Visualization

The visualization options for the Issue Matrix table are:

  1. Show Table Headers
    When checked, this option will visualize the fields configured in the Column selection as Table Header.

  2. Show Empty Table
    When checked, the Issue Matrix will be shown even if there are no issues to be displayed. This allows adding new sub-tasks directly to the issue.

Limit the number of shown issues (since v2.1)

Set the number of issues that will be shown by default in an Issue Matrix table. The remaining issues will be shown after clicking on the "Show more..." link. To remove the limit, either choose All or set the Selected entry to 0.

Jira Panels

The visualization options for the Jira panels are:

  1. Hide Sub-Tasks
    When checked this option, the default Sub-Task panel will be hidden on the Issue View screen.

  2. Hide Issue Links
    When checked this option, the default Linked issues panel will be hidden on the Issue View screen.

  3. Hide Issues in Epic
    When checked this option, the default panel showing all stories linked to an issue of type Epic will be hidden on this Epic issue View screen.


You can configure the locations in Jira where you would like to show the Issue Matrix. Configure the visualization of the Issue Matrix in the Issue Navigator and Agile Boards.





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