Sort and Reorder Data
On this page:
In the Issue Matrix table in the issue detail view, you can sort on the fly the issues in ascending or descending order based on the column.
You can also reorder sub-tasks using drag 'n' drop. You can drag the sub-tasks and drop them anywhere on the list, and make your work faster and more efficient.
You can easily organize long lists of sub-tasks and add new higher priority sub-tasks.
How it works
You can sort the issues by clicking on a column name in the Issue Matrix.
You can also choose sorting criteria from the Sort menu (in case the column headers are disabled in the configuration).
You can revert the default order of the issues by using the Default Order option from the Sort menu.
Reorder Sub-tasks
How it works
Drag a sub-task and drop it anywhere on the list in your Issue Matrix table.
When there are filtered sub-tasks, reordering in Issue Matrix works the same way the ranking works in Jira when there are filtered sub-tasks. If you are moving sub-task A before/after sub-task B in the Issue Matrix table, sub-task A will be placed before/after sub-task B in the full list of sub-tasks as well.
When there is a default sort ordering in the Issue Matrix Configuration ("Sort by" section), reordering is not allowed.
If users sort the sub-tasks by clicking on a column name or use the Sort menu in the Issue Matrix, the drag and drop action is not allowed.
Reordering of sub-tasks with drag 'n' drop is disabled for Issue Matrix tables in Agile Boards and the Issue Navigator.