BigPicture JiraCloud Release Notes 8.0 (2020-11-02)

ModuleFeatureDescriptionSneak peek
GanttNew Gantt module is here!The new Gantt module officially replaces the previous one. It is packed with new features but also includes improvements and redesign of already know features such as the grouping, critical path, column views.

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GanttWhat if scenario modeCreate and save different scenarios to find the perfect one. Finally, you can now undo each step and view the history of changes directly on the Gantt and merge to commit the changes.

Resources Workload contouring

Change workload distribution for a given task. Workload contouring allows you to specify how the effort of an assignee is distributed across a task period. 

RoadmapRoadmap module - Objective progress sliders and Heat map modeThe progress is now displayed next to each objective so that you can monitor and update the progress.

BoardBoard module - Objectives can be displayed together with task cardsIntegrate the Roadmap with the Board module and display team objectives and the committed tasks all in one view using the Board to know how each team contributes to achieving the objectives.

CalendarNew moduleAnother brand new module is here! Check our your current and upcoming tasks using the Calendar module.

RoadmapRoadmap module - Heatmap mode

You can now color code your objectives based on the status or use custom colors such as the traffic light to mark the ones which are at risk.

AllAbsences made by user on a User profile page Users can file absences using their profile page (App administration access is no longer required).

AllBox switcher

The Box switcher is as mini version of the Hierarchy mode of the Overview module and it shows all Boxes together with the Box structure. You can now use the Box Switcher to easily shift between different Boxes and their hierarchy when working with different modules. 

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AllNew security rolesThe security roles include two global roles - App User and App Admin. At the Box level, we have added a new role which allows users to create sub-Boxes

AllInheritance mode

When creating a new Box type or moving a sub-Box to a different parent Box, thanks to the Inheritance mode, the Box type configuration can be passed on from the upper-level Box type to the sub-Box type. 

The are three Inheritance modes which determine whether users will be able to customise the Box settings. Inheritance modes can be set for:

  • Card Views (Risks and Board)
  • Quick filters
  • Column Views (Scope and Gantt)
  • Security
  • Task templates
  • Security roles
  • Teams


New preconfigured Box Types

(BigPicture Enterprise)

Configuring the App is now much easier and faster! Box Types are templates for creating Boxes and make the App easier to use. You can now configure your Boxes and apply the configuration to newly created ones or inherit the configuration from upper-level Boxes. Also, bulk change your Box configuration to focus on your work.E

With new out of the box preconfigured Box types you can start working with your favourite methodology in no time:

  • Portfolio

  • Waterfall project

  • Hybrid project

  • Agile project

  • Waterfall stage

  • Hybrid stage

  • SAFe ART

  • LeSS requirement area

AllRight-click dialogRight-click opens new possibilities, whether you want to change the status of a Box or a color of a taskbar just right-click to open a dialog with all the commonly used features.

AllModule namesAnother highly demanded feature is here! You can now change the terminology and call your modules just like you do at your organization. The modules can be now renamed and you can do that at the Box Type levels and bulk change all used names or in the Box configuration.

AllBox configuration - Add new ToolDo you want to see an even bigger picture? Now you can add new tools and connect with Trello. Once connected, you will see aa new list of items which can be synchronized:
  • Cards
  • Lists
  • CheckItems
  • Checklists
  • Boards

AllNew fields (multi-platform)Integration with connected such as Trello or other Jira instances required some unification of the commonly used fields so we have added built-in fields such as the status, start date, color, skills etc. to assure that the correct information is displayed once the filed is added to a Column Views or Card Views.

AllEnhanced JQLBigPicture 8 introduces its own set of JQL syntax functions. Using the enhanced JQLThose functions can search items based on data stored exclusively in the App's database (i.e. Box properties, soft links, etc.)

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Business administrationBox period modeStructure your Boxes like the tasks on your Gantt using the Auto top-down or manual mode.

Box configurationSub-Box synchornizationThe Sub-Box synchronization can be now set in the Box configuration.

OverviewNew module - Overview

The Overview or the command centre is now a module which means that you can manage your Boxes and their sub-Boxes using three different modes:

  • Timeline
  • Hierarchy
  • Kanban


Modules available for each Sub-Boxes

New concept of managing work allows you to narrow the scope of your work to a predefined Box structure. This way, at any time, you have all the features as you can use all different modules and just switch between your Program Increment, Iteration, Phases or any in other words different Boxes which you have defined.

OverviewProgram Wizard

The Program Wizard was removed and Cloning and Import features were moved.

Creating a new Box with sample data is not possible anymore.

OverviewNew aggregations and columns added in the Hierarchy mode

The Hierarchy mode now provides an real overview of all you work in BigPicture. Thank to the new columns and aggregations you can check and monitor the status or time tracking progress for each Box and sub-Boxes as well. New aggregations and columns include:

  • Status (children by status categories)

  • TimeTracking

  • Original estimate

  • Remaining estimate

  • Time spent


New Gadgets for Jira dashboards and Confluence pages:

  • Gantt gadget
  • Boxes gadget

Show your Boxes with and their structure using this brand new Gadget.

New Gantt module means that there is a brand new Gadget with the Resources panel and the Infobar showing the most important data.

GanttColumn ViewsManage you Column View directly using the Gantt's interface. Add different fields as columns and change the way data is displayed and aggregated.
GanttGroup tasksGroup your task using color coded groups and aggregate data within each group.
GanttCritical pathHighlight tasks which impact the duration of your Project. View the list all you tasks on the critical path and find them with a single click using the Inforbar.