Handling Requests

Handling Requests

Request Queues

Chat requests show up as "regular" service requests in your queues - it is possible to set up chat-specific queues, to only see requests coming from chat.

In addition, a custom field is provided, displaying, in a separate column, whether a customer currently has the chat open ("is online") or not - you will probably want to handle "online" customers first, so that they have a chat-like experience, without undue delay. The chat request queues update in real-time, showing new chat requests as soon as they arrive:

In addition to showing the incoming requests in your support queues, a top toolbar indicator is provided (), notifying you in real-time how many requests originating from chat are there, which are unresolved and have unresponded new comments coming from the customer using chat:

The indicator shows up only on these pages in Jira, in which project context can be determined - namely, the issue page and request queues. If you have Jira Software installed, and you have configured chat notifications for Jira Software boards, the indicator will also be present on your board pages.

In queues that contain requests that originate from chat, requests that require your attention (the ones that have unresponded comments from the customer) are marked with a dot in the first column:

Chatting With the Customer

In queues that contain requests that originate from chat, when you hover over the request in the queue, you can see a chat icon ():

Clicking this icon opens a chat panel, where you can have a direct conversation with the customer:

This conversation is recorded as a set of comments in the request.

Alternatively, you can contact the customer using regular issue view - every comment you type there is immediately sent to the customer as a chat message. Both of these communication methods can be used simultaneously.

Lastly, you can see all chats from customers and respond to customers, using the Chats Page.

Integration with Canned Responses Pro

If you have installed our Canned Responses Pro app in your Jira, it integrates seamlessly with the chat panel, so that you can pick the preconfigured response from the dropdown:

Other Notification Methods

Depending on your email notification scheme, you will probably also be notified by email about new chat requests - these requests are regular JIRA issues, so they generate emails just as other issues do.

Additionally, when you are in Chats Page, page title will contain the number of unread messages:


Moreover, you can make the icon in the page title (next to the unread messages counter) blink, by setting the checkbox in the Agent Online Status dropdown:

Also, it is possible to set up notifications using other collaboration software or services, for example Slack.


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